Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to develop the following skills:
- mastering the subject didactics that guide teaching activities
- designing, testing, evaluating and regulating teaching methods
- Reflecting on one's teaching practice
- working as part of a team
- Demonstrate creativity


To prepare students for professional practice in teaching economics and management in general, technical and vocational upper secondary education.


Various topics will be covered in the course of the course:

    Educational games in economics and management
    Entrepreneurial teaching and mini-companies
    Assessment in economics and management in general and qualifying education

Teaching methods

The EU is based on the following pedagogical principles:

    Using a variety of authentic resources
    Involving students in activities
    Encouraging discussion and interaction in sub-groups and groups
    Offer tools that can be used by future teaching professionals
    Anticipate possible transfers of the content covered

Assessment method

Students are assessed on the basis of active participation in class sessions and collective production (oral + written).

In groups of 2 or 3, students are responsible for creating or adapting, analysing and presenting a game that is relevant to the teaching of Economics or Management Sciences. This exploration will result in an activity proposed to the group and a written document that can be used by colleagues.

The assessment criteria are :

    Quality of the choice of the proposed activity: didactic relevance and consistency with the learning objectives of a programme
    Quality of the analysis, in-depth, critical and nuanced appropriation of the game presented, motivation for any adaptations to an existing game
    Quality of the game presentation and oral presentation
    Quality of the written document with a view to pooling resources

Language of instruction
