Learning outcomes

Subject-specific skills

- theoretical knowledge of the fundamentals of IT law (in particular rules on the protection of privacy, intellectual property rights, IT contracts, e-commerce, etc.);

- application of this theoretical knowledge to practical situations;

- awareness of the legal issues involved in the development of communication technologies and digital services;

- analyzing technological developments with a critical and constructive eye.

Soft skills

- creating links between legal and non-legal reasoning;

- giving a personal opinion and arguing in order to defend one's point of view;

- working and thinking in groups; 

- developing a sense of reflection through analysis of the legal and societal issues raised by the development of technologies.



The aim of the course is to make students aware of some of the fundamental issues at stake in digital technologies, so that they acquire the necessary reflexes to apply the law in a digital environment.


After a brief general introduction to Belgian and European law and legal systems, the course will deal with the various legal issues raised by digital technologies. These will include
- The right to privacy in a digital context and personal data protection law.
- Digital contract law and e-commerce law.
- Issues raised by blockchain and artificial intelligence.
- Intellectual property law.
- Freedom of expression on the internet and the law governing digital platforms.
- Cybercrime.
- Cybersecurity.




Assessment method

Assessment takes the form of a traditional closed-book written exam.
The final mark is not purely arithmetical and depends on the teachers' overall assessment of the paper (serious error, missed a subject, etc.).

Sources, references and any support material

The main support consists of slides (powerpoint). Each part of the course is supplemented by related documentation. This documentation may include various documents taken from legislation, case law, scientific literature, reports from organisations or any other relevant source.


Language of instruction
