
At the end of the course, the student will be able to : • understand in detail and accurately (i) texts with a legal content (B2) and (ii) technical texts (C1) such as doctrine, legislation and case law; • understand the arguments of a legal text written in Dutch (doctrine, legislation and jurisprudence) and use them in the context of a specialised course on the same theme; • understand an oral message (videos, presentations) of medium length expressed in clear and standard language on a legal topic covered in the course (B2);


The course (30 h) is structured in 10 chapters. Each chapter includes : • the text of the lesson with an online reading aid and exercises • some short videos • an authentic document In addition, the course includes a portfolio of legal readings consisting of 2 texts of case law and doctrine, some of which may be the subject of specific sessions of explanation by a teacher of the legal subject.

Teaching methods

Interactive course (in groups). The language of the course is French, but communication in Dutch by the teacher is preferred as far as possible in order to expose the student as much as possible to a discourse in the target language.

Assessment method

The final written examination is held in two sessions: June and August-September. The assessment is based on knowledge of vocabulary, reading comprehension and oral comprehension (videos) of legal Dutch. The questionnaire may include an MCQ section.

Sources, references and any support material

Syllabus: Tussen de regels II - Dutch: reading legal texts, G. Deville, University of Namur.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Law (shift schedule) Standard 0 5
Bachelor in Law (shift schedule) Standard 2 5