Learning outcomes

Understanding of how biological interactions (within and between species) influence how effects of chemicals scale up from traits to populations and communities.
Understanding of how these interactions can lead to direct and indirect effects of chemicals.
An ability to use a pre-coded eco(toxico)logical model to assess population- and community-level effects.
Interpretation of modelling results and synthesis of ecotoxicological effects.
Soft skills: working in groups, project management; communication in French and English.


To learn the students how to calculate the effects of a chemical on populations and communities, and to be able to compare results obtained through various techniques.


The course addresses the issue of the effects of chemicals within an environmentally realistic framework, i.e. using population and community level variables. The consequences at the ecosystem level are also discussed. After theoretical courses, students are introduced to continuous-time models. Students are then invited to use these tools to solve one or more problems. These tools are based on:
· Use of RStudio (and Rmarkdown) to build models to perform simulations;
· More mathematical approaches to studying systems analytically.

Table of contents

Introduction: definitions, motivation of the course
Self-study of the topic by the students;
Q&A session on the topic (population and community dynamics);
Populations : Endpoints, determinants (chemical and ecological) of effects on populations. Introduction to corresponding models.
Communities : Endpoints, determinants (chemical and ecological) of effects on communities.,Introduction to corresponding models.
Ecosystems : The consequences of effects on communities for ecosystem functions.
Introduction to the problem;
Q&A sessions and progress meetings.


Application of ecological models to quantify chemical effects: population and community level. The students will be given one or more problems on the broad topic of chemical effects on populations/communities. They will apply the techniques seen in the theoretical course to solve this/these problem(s).
Sessions of computational exercises: during these sessions the students will work on their projects

Teaching methods

Q&A sessions and feedback moments. During these moments, the students present their results and the main issues hampering progress. The teaching staff inspires the students to look for solutions to these issues. 
Computational exercices in group.
Reading and discussing the scientific literature
Coding in R
A combination of recorded lectures and online or real-life Q&A sessions


Assessment method

Continuous evaluation. Assessment based on:
1 / their active participation in the course (30%);
2/ the group's final report (55%);
3 / their level of professionalism (respecting deadlines, polite and open communication, constructive attitude) (15%)
The "transversal skills" will be assessed when evaluating these 3 aspects
At the beginning of the course, students receive a list of criteria detailing these three aspects. This list includes, for the "active participation" aspect, elements such as the student's involvement in group work and discussions, his participation in global reflection, his ability to ask himself questions and to try to find solutions. For example, during the debates held during the course, each student will be asked to speak at least once on the question discussed. The "degree of professionalism", for its part, takes up criteria such as, for example, compliance with deadlines and instructions (in session but also when writing the report), the constructive attitude of the student or his polite and open communication.

Sources, references and any support material

Various scientific papers
Powerpoint slides
Models will also be made available to the students, these are coded in R.
Otto and Day. A Biologist's Guide to Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Evolution. Princeton, 2007.
All these materials can be found on WebCampus

Language of instruction
