Learning outcomes

See Objectives


Following on from the Psychopedagogy I course (FAGRM402), the course aims to prepare future teaching professionals to learn from their work situations, both independently and in collaboration with other teachers.
It will involve : 
mastering the main concepts of educational psychology and didactics in relation to the behaviour of a teacher.
developing professional attitudes and ethics compatible with the school's mission
master a professional language
acquire a reflective approach and the ability to work in a group.


The ‘Psychopedagogy II’ course comprises 40 hours divided into 30 hours of theory and 10 hours of field exercises and personal reflection. This course has been designed to be taken after the ‘Psychopedagogy I’ course.
Timetables are available on the website horaires.unamur.be
The training offered is professional and therefore requires the presence and involvement of students, particularly with regard to the exercises.

Table of contents

Class climate and well-being at school
The teenager in a school situation
Teaching approaches and methods
Skills-based approach
Assessment: processes, functions, tools
Managing heterogeneous pupils: differentiation, learning difficulties and disorders
Being part of a professional trajectory


The exercises are complementary to the theoretical lessons and form an integral part of the course. They cover 10 hours and are divided into 2 activities:
The ‘reflexivity diary’ proposes a process of individual questioning in which students are invited to engage. It will be completed at various points throughout the course. Information about the diary and how to complete it will be posted on the WEBCAMPUS announcements by the assistants. Completion of the diary is a prerequisite for sitting the Psychopedagogy 2 exam.
The meeting with a group of teenagers will complete the theoretical module on adolescence by meeting and analysing the values of today's teenagers, using a grid of questions and a short device drawn up beforehand. The relevant section of the reflexivity diary must be completed by the planned date.

Teaching methods



The methodology will alternate interactive lectures, group work and testimonials from professionals in the field. 
The courses are designed to develop professional skills and will encourage students to analyse school situations in the form of vignettes, videos and personal accounts in the light of theoretical input.

Assessment method

The assessment of the course will take the form of a written exam and will consist of 5 questions requiring a reasoned and personal analysis.
Completion of the reflexivity diary is a condition of access to the examination.
Sample questions will be made available to students during the semester. The marking criteria will also be explained. One of these is the ability to write coherent, reasoned answers in acceptable French, as the teaching profession also involves written communication with pupils or parents

Sources, references and any support material

Powerpoint presentations accompanied by articles, themed syllabi and videos are available to students on Webcampus.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Biology Standard 0 3
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Chemistry Standard 0 3
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Master in Management, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Mathematics Standard 0 3
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Management Standard 0 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Physics Standard 0 3
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Economics : General Standard 0 3
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 0 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Biology Standard 1 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Chemistry Standard 1 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Mathematics Standard 1 3
Master in Economics : General, Teaching focus Standard 1 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Management Standard 1 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Physics Standard 1 3
Teaching Qualification for Upper Secondary Education - Economics : General Standard 1 3
Master in Physics, Teaching focus Standard 1 3
Master in Mathematics, Teaching focus Standard 2 3
Master in Biology of Organisms and Ecology, Teaching focus Standard 2 3
Master in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Teaching focus Standard 2 3
Master in Chemistry, Teaching focus Standard 2 3