Learning outcomes

Understand the physical principles of basic electronic devices. Understand and build simple electronic circuits.


Review simple AC-circuits (RC, RL, RLC circuits. Resonance. dB scale). The theorems of Thevenin and Norton. The bipolar transistor: principle, amplification of small signals. Operational amplifiers (Principle. Feedback. Use as an amplifier. Non-linear circuits). Digital electronics: basic concepts of combinatorial and sequential logic circuits.

Teaching methods

The course is based on an interactive powerpoint-type presentation, illustrated by a simulation software and accompanied by practical work.

Assessment method

Oral exam with written preparation for the course. The exam may cover all the concepts and circuits discussed in clas, the circuits made during the practical sessions and similar circuits, based on the concepts seen in the theoretical course. Practical exam on the day of the theory exam, covering all circuits made during the practical sessions.

Sources, references and any support material

The course lecture notes + PPT presentations.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Physics Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Physics Standard 3 3