Learning outcomes

Human physiology courses are designed to provide an understanding of the pathophysiology of diseases, their causes, progression and treatment. This requires an understanding of the normal functioning of the organs, which are classically grouped into systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, renal, digestive, etc.). We keep this typical classification. The MMEDB219 course is devoted to the physiology (and introduction to the physiopathology) of the endocrine and reproductive systems.


At the end of this unit, the student will be able to master the normal physiology of the endocrine glands and functions related to reproduction. Physiopathological situations are presented during the course and form an integral part of the subject. Once the subject has been acquired, the student must be able to reason about situations that could be found in a healthy person or in a patient.


The systems covered are the major functions of the endocrine glands: the hypothalamus-pituitary system, thyroid function, adrenal function, the functions of the endocrine pancreas and adipose tissue, phospho-calcium regulation and the functions of the reproductive organs: gonads and uterine mucosa.

Table of contents

The material covered in the course will be presented in the first lesson. 


Practical work on glycaemic control is organised to illustrate important pathophysiological points.

Teaching methods

1. Ex cathedra course, based on a slide show. The slide show is available on Webcampus.
2. Practical work (attendance compulsory except for bisseurs students) in groups on glycaemic balance

Assessment method

The assessment will take the form of a written examination: MCQs and/or open questions on subjects covered in the lectures and practical and practical work.
In the event of unjustified absence from the practical or practical work, a negative assessment will be sent to the teacher responsible. For bachelor students, the mark for the theory exam contributes 100% of the mark for the teaching unit.
The exact assessment procedures are subject to change when exam timetables are drawn up, depending on the practical constraints with which the faculty administration may be confronted.
A mark of 10/20 or higher in the examination allows credits to be awarded for the course unit. The examination is divided into two parts, one designed to assess understanding of the subject matter covered in physiology of the endocrine glands, which accounts for 75% of the marks, and another for physiology of the reproductive system, which accounts for 25% of the marks. A mark of less than 10/20 means that the entire course must be taken, and no partial exemption is granted.
The final mark is reduced by 
  • one or more shortcomings judged to be serious in relation to defined course objectives, as revealed by the answers to open-ended examination questions.
  • unjustified absence from practical and tutorial sessions (TP-TDs). The mark out of 20 is reduced by 1/20 (of the overall mark for the teaching unit) for each absence from a TP-TD session, unless dispensation is granted (see below). In the event of an absence for which the reasons are justified and verifiable, an alternative solution to this penalty will be discussed with the teachers.
Procedures for awarding credits
Credits for the course are awarded when a mark of 10/20 or higher is obtained (taking into account any decimals; a mark of 9.4/20 is therefore well below 10/20 and is reduced to 9/20).
A session to consult the examination papers will be offered at the end of the session, after the deliberations. This session is designed to help students understand the nature of the errors made. At the end of the session, the examination grade is never changed.

Sources, references and any support material

Slide shows available on Webcampus.
Additional references are strictly optional:
  • Boron WF, Boelpaep EL. Medical physiology. 2nd dition. Elsevier Saunders. ISBN 978-0-8089-2449-4
  • Hall JE. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 13th ed. Saunders. ISBN 978-1455770052
  • Ganong, Barett, Barman, Boitano, Brooks. Medical Physiology. 3rd edition. Editions de Boeck. ISBN 978-2804169022

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Medicine Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Medicine Standard 2 3