Learning outcomes





- develop your written comprehension and production skills, paying particular attention to summarising texts, with the aim of reaching level B1+ - or even B2 - of the European framework

- to perfect your spoken English and enable you to express yourself in a structured, clear and precise way on a variety of subjects related to society or to your academic life.
Additional objectives
- Maintain listening comprehension in order to gradually reach B1+ level and work towards B2
- extend vocabulary by focusing on certain aspects (phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, etc.) and on basic vocabulary related to the field of study



summary writing

student corners - presentations in small groups

 Interactive course requiring student involvement and investment
- Students will be required to prepare certain tasks linked to the course activities independently.
- Students will also compile a personal portfolio based on the various tasks assigned during the four-month term. This is the key to the final oral examination and is included in the final mark (10%). The precise content of the portfolio and the practical arrangements for the various tasks are detailed on webcampus.
- All skills will be worked on, but particular attention will be paid to developing oral and written expression in order to prepare you for the integrated teaching units in block 2 and block 3 of your bachelor's degree.

Teaching methods



Assessment method


In January, students receive a final mark based on four distinct aspects:
1. Continuous assessment - Portfolio in preparation for the oral exam  10%
Without a complete portfolio, handed in on time and complying with the instructions given on webcampus, the student cannot sit the oral examination. As the portfolio mark is based on the student's regular work and effective participation in the proposed activities, it is automatically carried over to the second session with no possibility of improvement.
2. Continuous assessment - Vocabulary test  20%
o 1 compulsory vocabulary test is organised during the out-of-session written exam (scheduled for week 12, Friday 15 December - details in the timetable). This test is based on the language focus section of the syllabus, the vocabulary of the texts in the syllabus and the online module.
In preparation for this test, two formative tests will be offered online with time constraints in the quadri course (see timetable for practical details)

Un examen écrit organisé hors session et comprenant la lecture d’un article de presse et l’écriture d’un résumé en anglais       40%


3. Un examen oral        30%

  • Porte sur le portfolio préparé pendant le quadrimestre (voir ci-dessus). 
  • Un dossier incomplet, hors délai ou invalidé par l’enseignant donne lieu à un 0/20 à l’oral.
  • Pas de préparation préalable le jour de l’examen
  • L’étudiant peut venir avec un plan, un mind map, une structure
  • Conversation / interaction entre l’enseignant et l’étudiant, d’une part sur un aspect lié aux travaux de l’année, d’autre part sur au moins un des 3 articles (ou article scientifique) sélectionnés par l’étudiant
  • Les aspects suivants sont évalués : correction grammaticale et lexicale, fluidité, prononciation, articulation du discours (cohérence et cohésion des informations), richesse du contenu.

La moyenne de l’étudiant ne peut être calculée que si toutes les parties de l’évaluation ont été présentées.  Le cours ne peut en outre être validé que si l’étudiant obtient une moyenne égale ou supérieure à 10 avec au minimum une des deux parties d’examen en situation de réussite et pas de cote d’exclusion. Si un étudiant cumule un échec à l’examen oral et écrit ou s’il obtient une cote d’exclusion (<8/20) à l’un des examens ou au test de vocabulaire, l’échec absorbant est pratiqué et l’étudiant se verra attribuer une note de 9/20.


    For the second session examination:
    - Students who obtain an overall mark of less than 10/20 for the course will sit only those parts (vocabulary test and/or written exam and/or oral exam) for which they did not obtain at least 10/20. 
    - The distribution of points and the instructions remain the same as in the first session. The portfolio mark is simply carried over from session 1 to session 2.
    - Students who have to sit the oral again and who have a validated portfolio simply have to return with it. 
    - Students who have not submitted a portfolio or whose portfolio has not been validated because they have not completed all required tasks during the term will have to prepare a compensatory portfolio based on the instructions given during the year in order to sit their oral exam. 



Sources, references and any support material

- ENGLISH II Syllabus (available on WebCampus)
- Recommended reference book: a good translation dictionary such as Robert and Collins
- Writing a Summary and Language focus online modules (WebCampus)

Language of instruction
