English from sounds to sentences
- UE code LANGB101
45 30Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 5
- Teacher Vandelanotte Lieven
Introduction to the phonology, morphology and grammar of contemporary English. Students are expected to acquire the skill to analyse attested language data, showing on the basis of formal and semantic criteria which linguistic categories are instantiated.
To introduce students to the linguistic study of contemporary English, to linguistic reasoning and to the analysis of attested language data. In addition to this theoretical knowledge, support the students in their efforts to obtain the objectives for the Proficiency course during the second semester.
(N.B. Prérequis au niveau langagier: niveau B1, conformément aux référentiels pour les socles de compétences en langues modernes dans l'enseignement secondaire général (4h/sem). Toutefois, nous soutiendrons les étudiant.e.s ne disposant pas de ce niveau dans leurs démarches pour atteindre celui-ci.)
The course includes a brief introduction to articulatory phonetics and the phonology and morphology of present-day English. The bulk of the course is devoted to a descriptive and usage-based approach to the grammatical structure of contemporary English. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the main categories in the grammar of the noun phrase (such as determination, modification, categorization), the verb phrase (tense, aspect, modality) and the clause (mood, transitivity). In each of these areas, the goal is to teach students to demonstrate their grasp of English grammar in their own analyses of attested data.
The course is accompanied by 30 hours of exercises in which essential grammar points will be systematically reviewed, and basic concepts in English phonology practised. Multiple choice exercises on the central concepts of the grammar course which students are expected to analyse in novel example sentences are available via WebCampus.
Written exam.
Use of AI tools to produce texts or content in either the formative or summative assessment phases will not be tolerated, unless explicitly stated.
Weighting of different course components:
Note: The January exam (phonemic transcriptions) represents a weight of 1/20 as part of the 6/20 weighting for the "phonology/morphology" part. In the August/September exam session this part is not organized separately.
Davidse, Kristin, Liesbet Heyvaerts and Lieven Vandelanotte (2014) Introduction to English grammar. University of Leuven/University of Namur. (New edition for the Namur programme)
Vandelanotte, Lieven (2014) Slides syllabus (phonetics, phonology and morphology course & grammar slides). University of Namur.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English | Standard | 1 | 5 | |
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English | Standard | 3 | 5 |