Español - Curso de perfeccionamiento (nivel B2)
- UE code EELVM443
30Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 5
Listening comprehension
Understand the main ideas of complex formal and substantive speeches on a concrete or abstract topic in a standard language or a familiar variety, including technical discussions in one’s field of specialization; follow a speech of some length involving complex argumentation, provided the topic is fairly familiar and the general outline of the argument is indicated by explicit markers.
Written reception
Read with a high degree of autonomy, adapting mode and speed of reading to different texts and purposes; possess a wide and active reading vocabulary, even if difficulties remain with less frequent idiomatic expressions.
Oral production (monologue)
- give a clear, detailed description of a wide range of subjects related to one’s field of interest; describe in detail how events and experiences affect one personally.
- reliably convey detailed information
- develop a clear argument, extending and confirming points of view with secondary arguments and relevant examples; establish a sequence of logical arguments; explain a point of view on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
- make a clear, prepared presentation, putting forward reasons for or against a particular point of view and presenting the advantages and disadvantages of various options; handle a series of questions, after the presentation, with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that does not cause tension to the audience nor the speaker.
Oral production with interaction
- communicate with a level of fluency and spontaneity such that sustained interaction with users of the target language is possible without tension on either side.
- emphasize the personal significance of facts and experiences, express opinions and defend them with explanations and arguments
- understand in detail what is said in standard language or in a less familiar variety, even in an environment that is audibly and visually distracting.
Written production
- write clear, detailed texts on a range of subjects related to one’s field of interest, synthesizing and evaluating information and arguments from a variety of sources.
- produce an essay or report which develops an argument, providing justification for or against a particular point of view and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of different options; synthesize information and arguments from a variety of sources.
The course aims to consolidate the B1+ level and bring the student up to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Specifically, it aims to develop communication and comprehension skills, so as to be able to interact in areas of personal and professional interest. The course also aims to deepen students' knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures.
See course program on WebCampus
See course program on WebCampus
The course is given face-to-face and in small groups. It takes the form of interactive seminars in Spanish, with various continuous assessment tests (see course program on WebCampus).
Regular attendance is essential to progress. Opportunities to work on language production are given in every course.
Objectives and activities are designed in line with the philosophy of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Language communication is worked on taking into account the linguistic (lexicon, syntax, phonology), sociolinguistic (markers of social relations, rules of politeness, etc.) and pragmatic (organization, adaptation, discourse structure) skills required for the target tasks. The course is not restricted to mere linguistic knowledge.
Particular attention is paid to the student's workload, i.e. the balance between classroom hours and course credits. 1/5 of the credits allocated to the course will be done face-to-face with the teacher, the rest of the hours/credits will be done remotely via the Webcampus platform.
The final grade for the course is calculated as follows:
An absence or attendance grade for any part of the examination will result in an absence or attendance grade for the whole assessment.
In the second session, students who obtained a final mark of less than 10/20 in January will be required to re-sit the part(s) for which their mark is less than 10/20, i.e. linguistic skills (30%), reception (20%), oral production (30%) and/or written production (20%).
As in January, an absence or attendance grade for any part of the exam will result in an absence or attendance grade for the whole assessment.
If you happen to fail again, you will have to retake the whole test the following year; there will be no partial exemption (grade transfer) from one academic year to the next.
Important note: successful completion of this course is non-certifying, i.e. it does not certify that the student has reached CEFR level B1+ or B2.
Required teaching materials
- Latitud 0°, Manual de español intercultural, nivel intermedio-avanzado, T.Gutiérrez Chávez y A.Noriega Fernández, éditions SGEL ele, 2018.
- Le Bled Espagnol Tout-en-un, éditions Hachette, 2019.
Complementary materials:
Materials posted on Webcampus.
Reference works
- Gramática de uso del español A1-B2, SM ELE, 2008.
- Le mot pour le dire (Spanish), Broché, 2002.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master in Economics : General, Research focus | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Master in Management | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Master in Economics : General, Professional focus | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Master in Business Engineering, Professional focus in Analytics & Digital Business | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Master in Management, Professional focus in Business Analysis & Integration | Standard | 0 | 5 | |
Master in Economics : General, Research focus | Standard | 1 | 5 | |
Master in Management | Standard | 1 | 5 | |
Master in Business Engineering, Professional focus in Analytics & Digital Business | Standard | 1 | 5 | |
Master in Management, Professional focus in Business Analysis & Integration | Standard | 1 | 5 | |
Master in Economics : General, Professional focus | Standard | 1 | 5 | |
Master in Economics : General, Research focus | Standard | 2 | 5 | |
Master in Economics : General, Professional focus | Standard | 2 | 5 |