Learning outcomes

Legal skills :
- Acquire the legal concepts of Belgian, European and international law that will be useful for the successful pursuit of your university course and future professional activity.
- Be able to find a legal reference using your BAC code
- Develop the foundations of legal reasoning
- Decode and understand the important information in a legal text

Cross-curricular skills
- Defend a point of view in a reasoned manner
- Master the basics of critical thinking
- Enrich the subject taught by personal contributions
- Develop a general knowledge of the humanities and social sciences
- Use the French language accurately and rigorously


Part I: Introduction (definition of law and branches of law)
 Part II: Institutions of Belgian, European and international law
 Part III: Sources of Belgian, European and international law
 Part IV: Subjects of law
 Part V: Subjective rights
 Part VI: Judicial review


Practical work, supervised by assistants, is organised throughout the year. Students are also welcome to visit the offices.

Teaching methods

Lectures, supplemented by exercise sessions in small groups.

Written support, documentary resources and exercises available on WebCampus.

Visits organised (Namur Law Courts and Walloon Parliament).

Assessment method

- covering the material in the textbook and the oral course
- closed book. Only the BAC Code may be used during the examination
- including different types of questions (specific questions, reflection questions, exercises, etc.)

Language of instruction
