Learning outcomes

In addition to the disciplinary knowledge specific to management, the course works on the skills of analysis and diagnosis of managerial problems. The various theoretical elements (for example, theories of professional motivation, price elasticity of demand) are mobilized in order to identify a management problem (for example, absenteeism at work, an inadequate pricing policy), to better understand the ins and outs of it and, finally, to propose a draft solution.


The course has a dual purpose. The first is to get students to think about business and its realities on the basis of rigorous theoretical concepts (theoretical training). The second is to enable them to acquire the skills necessary to understand current economic events relating to companies (keys to understanding and analysis).


The course is broadly divided into 4 main parts. Part I: Raising awareness of the very notion of management and, more specifically, of company management (notion of management, company/organisation, reasons for management, historical evolution, management and environment, etc.). Part II: Strategic planning and managerial decision making (corporate strategy, planning, SWOT analysis, competitive advantage, managerial decision making process, concepts of bounded rationality, risk and uncertainty in decision making, ...). Part III: Organisation, change and innovation (organisational structure, organisational modes, departments, concepts of hierarchy, authority, responsibility, delegation of authority, organisational culture, concepts of change and creativity, resistance to change, etc.). Part IV: Management (individual/collective behaviour, concepts of attitude and perception, teamwork, staff motivation, equity and expectations theory, leadership, communication, etc.). Part V: Control (definitions, reasons, modes of control, limits and drifts) and introduction to value chain management.

Assessment method

This is a closed book written examination in 2 parts. The first part deals with a case study while the second part deals with a managerial decision-making problem with quantitative support. Multiple choice is sometimes also used. Both parts deal with knowledge (definition of fundamental theories and concepts) as well as with know-how (mobilisation of concepts, theories and methods to identify, analyse and solve managerial problems).

Sources, references and any support material

Reference book (recommended purchase) : • Robbins, S., Coutler, M., DeCenzo, D. & Né, I. (2017). Management: The essentials of concepts and practices. 10th ed, Paris: Pearson France. Earlier versions are also suitable.

Language of instruction
