General physics II: Wave optics, electronics and atomic structure
- UE code SPHYB204_P30732
22.5Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 3
- Teacher
This course is the last part of the Introductory physics courses that are part of bachelor's program in physics and chemistry. It aims to provide an understanding of the fundamental concepts, thus laying the foundations for more advanced courses. The course emphasises the importance of rigorous scientific reasoning, as well as the importance of observation and calculation in dealing with physics problems.
Alternating currents: use of complex impedance to study passive circuits in steady state. R- L-C circuit in transient regime. Magnetic properties of matter (types of magnetic materials, definition of permeability and susceptibility, properties of magnetic materials, hysteresis). Transformers. Introduction to X-rays. The dB scale. Amplitude modulation The p-n junction, bipolar transistor, field effect transistor.
Wave optics
Chapter I: Introduction
1 Geometrical or wave optics
2. Huygens' principle
3. Types of mechanical waves
4. Wave equation (1D)
5. Harmonic waves
6. Definitions
7. Phase and phase velocity
8. Principle of superposition
9. Complex representation
10. Phasor diagrams
11. Planar waves
12. Wave equation (3D)
Chapter 2: Light propagation
1) Rayleigh scattering
2) Huygens principle applied to reflection from a plane
3) Huygens' principle applied to refraction by a plane
4) Fermat's principle applied to reflection
5) Fermat's principle applied to refraction
6) Generalization of Fermat's Principle
7) Explanation of mirages
8) Electromagnetic approach
9) Fresnel equations
10) Amplitude of the coefficients
11) Brewster incidence
12) Total internal reflection
13) Reflectance and transmittance
Chapter 3: Interference
1) Interference - superposition of waves (2D)
2) Superposition of waves of the same amplitude
3) Spatial and temporal coherence
4) Spatial and partial temporal coherence
5) Young's experiment
6) Two-beam interference
7) Michelson interferometer
Chapter 4: Diffraction
1) Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction
2) Combinations of coherent oscillators
3) Single slit diffraction pattern
4) Intensity of the diffraction pattern through a slit
Lectures illustrated by experiments or slide shows as needed. This course is completed by practical work (see separate teaching unit).
The final exam is oral. The student is given 3 questions, one of which is related to wave optics. These questions may include a simple problem (e.g. direct numerical application of the theory). The student prepares the answers (about 1/2 hour per question) and then presents the answer orally. For practical reasons, the examination may be organised in two parts on the same day. Students are expected to use rigourous scientific arguments including appropriate mathematics. They should demonstrate thorough understanding of the physical meaning of the results and be able to present results in a meaningful way, including graphs, tables, and numerical values. In principle, the weight of the three questions is the same in the final mark, but a clearly insufficient answer to one of the questions may lead to the failure of the teaching unit, regardless of the marks obtained for the other questions.
1. The lecture notes
2. The course website on the Webcampus platform
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Bachelor in Physics | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Bachelor in Physics | Standard | 2 | 3 |