Learning outcomes

In terms of comprehension and the production of written and spoken texts, the course provides students (for whom German is not their mother tongue) with the necessary elements to reach the level of an A2/B1 user according to the CECRL criteria.


Based on an analysis of the content of broad concepts such as 'language', 'word', 'the German language', 'communication' and 'intercultural communication', the course aims to promote the acquisition of receptive and productive skills in German.


In the section on 'language' and 'words', the course, among other things, introduces students to the relationship between 'signifier' and 'signified', the stylistic importance of synonyms, homonyms and antonyms, as well as the existence of word families and lexical fields.


In the part on ‘the German language’, the course provides an overview of how the German language can be divided into different geographical and social varieties.


The part dealing with 'communication' and 'intercultural communication' focuses on the social rules of (intercultural) communication and the intra- as well as inter-individual problems that characterize (intercultural) communication.


The topics covered are illustrated by audiovisual fragments that relate to the students' daily lives and have the potential to encourage them to discover the German language and culture.


The exercises correspond to the theoretical content of the course. Their main purpose is to broaden students' vocabulary and stimulate the active use of the German language.

Teaching methods

Interactive course in which students are invited to reflect on concepts such as "language", "word", "German language", "(intercultural) communication". The course is completed by many exercises.

Assessment method

1. Written exam in June (= 55% of the final mark). The terms, conditions and evaluation criteria are described in a separate document that will be available on WebCampus in February; they will be commented on by the professor.


2. Oral exam in June (= 15% of the final mark). The terms, conditions and evaluation criteria are described in a separate document that will be available on WebCampus in February; they will be commented on by the professor.


3. Permanent evaluation, i.e.: tests and presentations related to exercises in the language laboratory + tests on the application of spelling and vocabulary (= 30% of the final mark).


The practical organization of the tests and the assessment procedures are described in a separate document which will be available on WebCampus by the end of February at the latest and which will be commented on by the person(s) responsible for the exercises.

Sources, references and any support material

A syllabus and PowerPoint presentations with summaries of the theory and a range of exercises are made available to students.

Language of instruction
