The Centre du Mouton is an educational farm accessible to veterinary students from the first year of their bachelor's degree, and a reference research center in the sheep sector.


Educational farm

Veterinary students at UNamur have the opportunity to establish the link between theory and practice right from their first year. They are placed in regular, supervised contact with various animal species present at the Haugimont farm: horses, donkeys, dogs, sheep and cows. An opportunity for future vets to learn to observe, handle and understand their behavior.

Etudiante avec moutons Vétérinaire

Ovine Research Center

The Centre de Recherches Ovines (CRO) occupies several hectares of meadows and has a large flock of ewes. It fulfills several missions:

  • Contribution to several research axes led within the Unité de recherche vétérinaire intégrée (URVI) of the University of Namur, such as the pathogenesis and treatment of osteo-articular pathologies in animals and humans, based on animal models, notably using state-of-the-art imaging techniques.
  • Collaborating with various partners, CRO also contributes to several research projects dealing with diseases that can affect farm animals, their feeding and care.
  • Organization of various types of internships and training courses for Belgian and French agronomy students.
  • Service to society by collaborating in the organization of open houses, the Spring of Science, the welcome day for veterinary students, etc.

Contact and access

Rue de Strouvia 18, 5340 à Faulx-les-Tombes (Gesves)