The Domaine d'Haugimont is crossed by the Samson and several streams. It also boasts 2.5 hectares of ponds and marshes that contribute to the development of biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems.

Aquatic ecosystems

The inventories of the Biodiversity Portal of the Walloon Region testify to the number of aquatic species, both plant and animal, that populate the estate's watering holes. As a source of life, ponds and streams contribute fully to the maintenance and development of the ecosystems present. Management measures are taken to ensure that the ponds remain well lit. Three new ponds have been created in the grazed areas.

Marres et étangs

Meuse Saumon 2000 project

The salmon fry are used as part of the Meuse Saumon 2000 project led by Alexandre Erraud at UNamur. This project aims to reintroduce salmon into the Mosan basin. The fry released are the result of an experiment comparing the milt of males of different origins (wild, farmed, 1-year-old, 2-year-old), compared before and after cryopreservation. Their reproduction, egg incubation, emergence and fry growth are studied.

Marres et étangs


The UNamur has leased back for 3 years two ponds of 85 and 95 ares in closed water, located on the edge of the forest, mainly for pike and carp fishing. It also rents a 700 m stretch of the Samson for wild fario trout fishing (restocking prohibited since 1979).