By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the importance and challenges of information systems modeling.
2. Know the basic concepts of information systems modeling.
3. Define the concept of data modeling and its significance for information systems.
4. Define and compare three types of data models (conceptual, logical, physical).
5. Based on natural language requirements, create an Extended Entity-Relationship model representing the data layer of an information system (using PlantUML and on paper).
6. Transform an Extended Entity-Relationship model into a normalized logical Relational model (represented on paper and with DBML).
7. Justify design choices in the creation and transformation of models when multiple options are available.
8. Evaluate the quality of a data model.
9. Choose (with justification) between several alternative data models for a given information system.
10. Normalize relational models.
11. Master the basic concepts of data governance and data quality.
12. Develop information systems models using UML diagrams.
13. Integrate different UML models in complex projects.
14. Use modeling tools like PlantUML and DBML.