On this page, you'll find a report on all actions and activities initiated at the University of Namur in connection with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #13: "Action on climate change".


Discover all publications related to the sustainable development goal "Decent work and economic growth" on the UNamur research portal.


  • Master in Smart Rurality: with "Smart Rurality" or "intelligent rurality", you learn to organize, in collaboration with a multitude of players, rural areas undergoing change to promote the well-being of citizens and economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
  • Additional training in Sustainable Development: 75 hours to understand the issues of sustainable development and integrate them into your professional framework.

Social impact and actions

Institutional initiatives

Employment practices

UNamur holds the "HRS4R" label attesting that the university does indeed apply the 40 principles of the Researcher's Charter and Recruitment Code. More info here.

  • UNamur is committed to paying its employees a decent wage. Salaries follow scales that are public. More info here.
  • Structural teleworking: since the Covid 19 pandemic, teleworking has been implemented structurally.
  • UNamur has two unions that represent and defend employees, the CNE and SETCA.

Fight against discrimination

UNamur has signed the Diversity Charter of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It has also developed a Gender plan and a gender policy ensuring the fight against discrimination.

More info herei.

The Centre Médico-Psychologique (CMP)

The CMP organizes health promotion activities, aimed at students. In particular, it offers free psychological consultations, help with stress management, a medical consultation, "health and well-being" actions, support for students with special needs, meditation workshops, "methodo" lunchtimes for EBS students...

More info here.

Services d'Aide pour les Enfants et Familles de l'UNamur (Asbl SAPEFUN)

SAPEFUN offers several childcare solutions for staff members' children:

  • the crèche "FUNny" approved by ONE (Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance), which welcomes children aged 0 to 3.
  • the "Club Temps Libre", ONE-approved after-school care and vacation center for children aged 2 1/2 to 8.
  • Sick Child Home Care Service, accessible to children aged 0 to 12, which is currently on hold.

Sports policy

Sports are certainly a form of relaxation, but to be effective, they must take place in a rigorous context. It must promote spontaneity, bodily development, mental and physical balance.

Learn more.

Information and awareness-raising actions

2022 | Grande conférence namuroise | From migration to mobilization: when climate moves us

15/11/2022 | Samuel Lietaer is an environmental social scientist. His main research interests focus on climate change adaptation issues, human mobilities linked to environmental and climate change, and sustainable development policies in low-income environments. Learn more.

2022 | TEDx UNamur (Re)Shape the future

TEDx conferences are a simple concept. Its slogan is "Ideas worth spreading"! In short, you choose a theme, invite a dozen speakers from the most diverse backgrounds, and each of them has a maximum of 18 minutes to deliver an innovative and inspiring message to the audience! Learn more.

2021 | Congrès des sciences

Laurent Houssiau, Professor at UNamur's Physics Department, and Adélaïde Charlier, Namur-based activist and co-founder of Belgium's Youth for Climate movement, co-hosted a conference at the Congrès des Sciences. Two points of view and two generations converging in the same direction: raising awareness of the need to act now to halt climate disruption! Read more.

2021 | Climate: doubt is no longer allowed

As part of Professor Xavier Thunis' "Environmental Law and Sustainable Development" course (Faculty of Law), Professor Laurent Houssiau (Department of Physics) has recorded a video on the reality of climate change. Supported by graphs, scientific data and figures, he explains that a positive outcome for mankind implies a radical change in our habits. Find out more.

The Chair in Sustainable Development and Transition

This UNamur chair is dedicated to the question of sustainable development and transition and the ethical issues it raises. It aims to raise awareness and inform the academic community and the general public. Find out more.

Forum Universitaire pour la Coopération Internationale au Développement (FUCID)

As an NGO within a university, FUCID aims to be a place for meeting, expression, debate, advocacy, awareness-raising and commitment, action, militancy and utopia. A network of men and women sharing the same values of solidarity and citizenship. It is rooted in UNamur's vision and, as such, participates in the university's overall objective of training responsible players in society for a more just, sustainable and equitable world that respects human rights.

Small gestures for the climate

This study, carried out by FUCID, is a way of understanding why, and of thinking further about the following questions: how can we explain such a craze for small individual gestures on the part of young people? What motivates them to turn first to this type of response to the ecological crisis we're going through? Does this mode of action make it possible to understand and effectively combat the causes? Why is the rhetoric of ecogestures so criticized by one part of society - rightly, wrongly or both - while being promoted by another? Are these small actions really the solution? Or, on the contrary, should they be abandoned?

Learn more.

Research institutes

Institute of Life, Earth and Environment (ILEE)

Research at the Institute of Life, Earth and Environment (ILEE) fits in with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations. For example, the impact of multiple stress factors and/or pollutants on both organisms and ecosystems is studied, and solutions are sought to strengthen their resistance and resilience and/or limit harmful products.

In addition, by prospecting and characterizing geological resources and integrating human use over the centuries, from antiquity to the current Anthropocene, ILEE contributes to better sustainable management of natural resources, integrating architecture and art in particular. The transition to more sustainable agriculture is investigated through the concept of ecosystem services, using mapping, modeling and integrated assessment. The consequences of climate change on migrations and interactions between the various agents responsible for the transmission of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases are also at the heart of ILEE's research.

Find out more.
