One mission of the Service Infrastructures et Gestion du Campus (SIGeC) concerns the purchase of consumables for laboratories, services and administrations.
Water consumption
Technical Services carry out water consumption metering for each building.
Over the years, several initiatives have been taken to reduce this consumption:
- maintenance: systematic detection of water leaks and analysis of the distribution water circulating in the pipes
- toilets: flushes with water-saving devices and urinals equipped with an automatic flush (an action that today saves 3,000 cubic meters of water per year), rainwater flushes in the new Faculty of Science
- laboratories: cooling system for scientific machines using closed-circuit recycled water rather than waste city water

Building construction, renovation and maintenance
When working on projects, the Technical Services department is careful to seize opportunities to apply sustainable development to the construction and maintenance of buildings:
- Design a building in line with SD at the time of construction, advocating optimal use of modular spaces
- properly insulating the walls of relatively traditional buildings
The purchasing policy currently applied to office furniture is to buy furniture with high repair rates, even if this means the price is more expensive. Technical clauses already exist concerning the type of materials to be used (wood and metal) in public procurement contracts for the purchase of office furniture.

An example of the short circuit at UNamur
The best example of the use of local short-circuit supplies in the construction sector at UNamur is a CaNDLE 2015 project dedicated to the production of 300 wooden doors from the Domaine d'Haugimont forest, with the cutting and joinery work also carried out nearby.
Purchase of consumables for laboratories, services and administrations
The General Commissary is committed day by day to offering an assortment of products that are more environmentally friendly, or even sustainable. Ecological alternatives are offered mainly for three groups of consumables:
- Office supplies: while most items have a good ecological score (recycled plastic, manufacturing method, natural materials, ...) there are also 100% ecological items. The choice is yours.
- Catering: no single-use items sold in the commissary are made of plastic. Only sugarcane fiber cups and plates are available.
Responsible paper consumption: several initiatives have been taken to promote a more responsible use of paper. These are voluntary initiatives on the part of individuals, departments, institutes or entire services across the university.
- Reducing paper consumption: default double-sided settings on printers, phasing out individual printers, printing 2 pages per sheet, sending documents by e-mail rather than internal mail, using scrap paper
- Using FSC-certified/labeled paper
- Recycling through selective sorting

- Presses Universitaires Namuroises (PUN) works with printers who use FSC paper
- Cleaning products: Ecovert ecological cleaning products and reusable cups are also available
Some used equipment is displayed on a shelf at the entrance to the bursar's office for reuse by anyone passing by and looking to buy. The bursar's office also supplies hand towels, dish towels, dishcloths, work clothes and bed sheets brought in by the cleaning company. Finally, the bursar's office also collects recyclable products.
Cœur de Forêt - UbiCast project
For the past two years, UbiCast, supplier of the auditorium recording solution deployed at UNamur, has replaced its end-of-year "goodies" with participation in reforestation projects. This year, UNamur is sponsoring 22 trees located on a project plot in Bolivia.
UNamur wins award!
On September 20, 2023, UNamur receives the Lyreco Award.
Investment policy
In view of the societal and environmental challenges facing every player and actress, the University of Namur affirms its commitment to adopting a policy of ethical and sustainable management of its portfolio of movable investments. Learn more