This page is intended for foreign doctoral students who find themselves in one of the following situations and concerns a new document required for visa, residence permit or residence permit extension applications.

1.Apply for a visa

The Embassy may ask you for a Model Standard Form (Appendix 1). As soon as you are enrolled in a PhD program at UNamur, you can request this document by writing to:

2. You are about to arrive in Belgium, already have your visa or are exempt from it. You will need to apply for a residence permit for the first time

The local administration will ask you for a Model Standard Form (Appendix 1). As soon as you are enrolled in a PhD program at UNamur, you can request this document by writing to: You must submit this document to the commune, in hard copy and in its original version (no scans or photocopies).

3. You are in Belgium and have already submitted a first application for a residence permit

The commune administration has asked you for a Model Standard Form (Appendix 1). If you are a doctoral student at UNamur, you can request this document by writing to: You must submit this document to the commune, in paper form and in its original version (no scans or photocopies). You can bring it with you when you go to finalize your registration and order the residence permit.

4. You need to apply for an extension of your residence permit

The local administration will ask you for a Model Standard Form (Appendix 1). As soon as you are registered or re-registered as a doctoral student at UNamur, you can request this document by writing to: You will also be asked for an Attestation d'avancement des études. Your thesis supervisor must write a short note on the progress of your doctoral research and give it to you. You must submit these documents to the commune, in hard copy and in the original (no scans or photocopies).