Learning outcomes

This course aims to introduce undergraduate students in Physics to discussions about the learning process. The curriculum will focus on the following topics:

  1. The process of conceptualization in physics

  2. The emergence of alternative conceptions in physics

  3. Key concepts in physics didactics: conceptual change, mental models, conceptual profile, language and cognition in physics, etc.

  4. New approaches in physics didactics

  5. Evaluation


By the end of this course, students will have the ability to:

  1. Identify the scope of discussions regarding the didactics of physics.

  2. Recognize the existence of alternative conceptions.

  3. Problematicize the effectiveness of didactic approaches in physics.

  4. Design small learning interventions.

  5. Understand the process of conceptualization in physics.


This course has a strong reflective component that requires ongoing debate among participants. We provide reference texts to initiate discussions. The use of video clips, "low-cost" experiments, clinical interview excerpts, and simulations is planned to illustrate the discussions.

Teaching methods

This course has a strong reflective component that requires ongoing debate among participants. We provide reference texts to initiate discussions. The use of video clips, "low-cost" experiments, clinical interview excerpts, and simulations is planned to illustrate the discussions.

Assessment method

Class Activities: 40%

Final Report: 20%

Oral Exam: 40%


Sources, references and any support material

Carvalho Jr, G. D. (2023). The Scheme of Movement as an Organizer of Action in Classical and Relativistic Mechanics. American Journal of Educational Research, 11, 191-205. doi :10.12691/ education-11-4-3 

Carvalho Jr, G. D. ; Carvalho, A. X. Z. (2024). Genetic analysis on color concept construction process: looking for operational invariants. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, v. 9, p. 100838.

Clement, J. (2000), Model based learning as a key research area for science education. In: International Journal of Science Education. Vol. 22, n 9, p. 1041-1053. 

Hestenes, D. (1996), Modeling Methodology for Physics Teachers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Undergraduate Physics Education.

Hewitt, P. (2014), Conceptual Physics. Pearson.

McDermott, L. (1984), Research on conceptual understanding in mechanics. Physics Today, 37, 7, 24.

Ogborn John. Viennot L. (1996), Raisonner en physique. In: Didaskalia, n°13, 1998. Didactique et formation professionnelle. pp. 176-177. 

Vosniadou, S. (1994), Capturing and modeling the process of conceptual change. Learning and Instruction, v. 4., p. 45-69. 

Saltiel E. & Malgrange J.L. (1979), Les raisonnements naturels en cinématique élémentaire, Bulletin de l’Union des Physiciens, 616, 1325-1355.

Vergnaud, G. (2002), L’explication est-elle autre chose que la conceptualisation ? In : Leutenegger, F.; Saada-Robert, M. (Eds.). Expliquer et comprendre en sciences de l'éducation. Genève: De Boeck, p. 31-44.


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Physics Standard 0 3