Learning outcomes

- understand the basic concepts of ecotoxicology and be able to apply them to concrete cases - understand and be able to apply the main methods for assessing the toxicity of a substance - understanding the concept of environmental risk assessment - be able to characterise and differentiate between the different classes of pollutants


The main objective of this course is to provide the student with the theoretical and practical basis for understanding the modern issues related to environmental pollution.


1° Introduction to ecotoxicology; definitions, history -Global change and the place of pollution (acute and chronic) -definition of toxicology and ecotoxicology: scope and purpose -historical: awareness: dilution and boomerang effects -pollutant; xenobiotic; contaminant; essential and non-essential element -bioaccumulation; bioconcentration; biomagnification -risk vs. danger -Toxicity measurements via LC50, LD50 and TL50: concepts of concentration and time; model organisms -hierarchical organisation and scale of study -the objectives of ecotoxicology: scientific, technical and practical -Ecotoxicology societies: BelTox and SETAC (examples of research topics) -the place of the biologist 2° Risk assessment and biomonitoring -the purpose of ecotoxicology; risk assessment -criteria, standards and norms -the different levels of analysis: analytical, bioindicators, biomarkers -the main analytical methods: uncertainties and detection limits -intrinsic and extrinsic factors: interactions between pollutants and physico-chemical parameters (speciation; synergistic, antagonistic and potentiation effects) -examples of bioindicators (mussel watch) -The main bioassays: TP on Daphnia and article to be discussed: Pablos et al 2009, "Use of a novel battery of bioassays for the biological characterisation of hazardous wastes".

Teaching methods

This course is divided into theory classes and practical and/or practical work. The theoretical course is given by the professor in an auditorium. The course is intended to be as interactive as possible, both in the classroom and via WebCampus. Slides, of which students can download a pdf version via WebCampus, serve as a basis. Some points may be developed on the basis of scientific articles or book chapters. The student may be asked to read these articles for the course, or to discuss them in groups.

Assessment method

The evaluation takes place in the January session. It consists of a written examination with open questions. Reports are requested for the practical sessions and are assessed. They count for 25% of the final grade.

Sources, references and any support material

- Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology (Newman) - Environmental Toxicology (Wright & Welbourn) - introduction to ecotoxicology (Ramade)

Language of instruction
