Learning outcomes

To acquire the necessary foundations for understanding the subjects taught in the later years of the medical curriculum. Understand the physics directly related to medicine and medical imaging techniques.


The aim of the course is to learn physics concepts that are not covered in secondary education, but are essential for understanding the functioning of the human body or certain diagnostic techniques.


This course is structured in chapters, each of which aims to explain a medical phenomenon from a physical point of view (blood circulation, hearing, vision...) or a medical technique (ultrasound, Doppler...). Each chapter is entirely covered by one of the co-teachers. The weekly volume is non-linear; this means that one teacher finishes the chapter started before eventually handing over to the other. Theoretical courses are combined with practical work and tutorials.

Assessment method

Due to the measures taken in the fight against the spread of covid-19 and those implemented at the UNamur level, the evaluation modalities are subject to modification to be adapted to the situation. The modified evaluation modalities will be communicated by the teacher to the students via WebCampus. The theory exam lasts 2 hours, both in January, June and August, and takes the form of open and multiple choice questions (MCQs) which may include exercises. The tutorials are assessed in the course examination and the exercises required are based on those carried out during the year in tutorials. The results of these exercises therefore count for about 15% of the final grade. The practical work (TP) is evaluated continuously during the year by the assistants, on the basis of the work done during the session and the lab book. Attendance at practical sessions is compulsory. In case of justified absence from a practical session, the student must contact the assistant as soon as he/she returns to the University of Namur. Considering that the practical courses are subject to continuous assessment, the mark obtained during the year will be carried forward, if necessary, to each examination session (June and August). The PT mark obtained in this way is then integrated into the mark awarded to the course in which it accounts for approximately 15%. In total, the practical/directory marks therefore account for approximately 30% of the final mark awarded by the teachers.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelier en médecine Standard 0 6
Bachelier en médecine Standard 1 6