Learning outcomes

Below are the different skills that will be worked on during this teaching unit:
Learning to simulate with computer tools:
- Understanding programming logic
- Respect the programming syntax
- Use the imposed/proposed tools
- Compare results with expectations
Communicate concepts, experimental results and their interpretation:
- Choose the appropriate tool for presenting information
- Develop a discourse (written or oral) that is relevant, structured, coherent and integrated in such a way as to enable understanding.
- Identify a logical thread
- Construct a graph or diagram (e.g. flow chart) and ensure that it is consistent with written or oral developments


The aim of the Introduction to Scientific Computing course is to lay the foundations of scientific programming.


 The programming language used is Python. The course will run as follows:
15h theory + 15h practical work in Q1
15h of practical work in Q2

Teaching methods

The course will alternate between an auditorium for the theory, and computer pools for the practical sessions

Assessment method

Two assessments are planned for this teaching unit. They will take place during the January and June sessions.
The January assessment will take place in the computer pool. The students will have to program by themselves without any support other than the information provided in the exam.
The June assessment will be based on an oral presentation of one or more projects proposed by the students.  Details of the presentations will be presented to the course at the beginning of the second semester.

Sources, references and any support material

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Physics Standard 0 3
Bachelor in Physics Standard 1 3