Learning outcomes

The course will offer to the students the following competences: -To be clear with some big basic concepts in clinical ethics and research ethics: autonomy, beneficence, justice, etc. -To know the importance of the development of bioethics in the South. -To be able to analyse a clinical situation with the methodological tools studied.


The course is composed of 4 parts. 1. A general introduction to bioethics with the history and the context for the emergence of this discipline. 2. A part dedicated to clinical ethics. Various moral systems underlying the human decisions are first presented. Then, the ethical principles regulating the healthcare practices will be studied. Finally, some ethical decision-making models will be analysed. A great deal of attention will be given to the question of ethics in the South. 3. A part dedicated to human research ethics. 6 regulatory principles for human research will be studied. We will attach peculiar importance to research ethics in the developing countries.

Teaching methods

Ex-cathedra lectures with PowerPoint support and DVD's. Students are invited to interact with the professor.

Assessment method

Writte examination or written exercice

Sources, references and any support material

- Paul Farmer, Pathologies of Power, University of California Press, 2004. - Ruth Macklin, Double Standards in Medical Research in Developing Countries, Cambridge University Press, 2004. - Tom Beauchamp - James Childress, Les principes de l'éthique biomédicale, Les Belles Lettres, 2008.

Laurent Ravez, Introduction à l'éthique de la santé publique, Sauramps Médical, 2020.

Language of instruction
