Learning outcomes

Students will be introduced to the issues and procedures involved in the main stages of conducting research in the human sciences: problematising, defining an analytical framework, understanding the issues involved in data collection/analysis, benchmarks for effective communication. Target skills :

    3.1 Contribute to the development of new knowledge and new professional practices in the field of support.
    3.2 To develop research practices in the field of support in relation to current social issues and in the service of social issues in the field.


The course is an introduction to the research process in the human sciences. It will gradually develop the various stages in the design and conduct of university-level research, and will focus in particular on answering the following questions:

    How to formulate and problematise a research question?
    How do you develop an analytical framework?
    What are reliable data and how can they be acquired (observation method) and analysed (analysis method)?
    How can the results of research be effectively and rigorously reported?


  • Problematisation and construction of a research object.
  •  Developing an analytical framework.
  •  Collecting and analysing data
  •  Academic communication

Assessment method

The assessment is based on a personal written assignment, the aim of which is to model the fundamentals of the methodological approach used to design the dissertation.

Sources, references and any support material

VAN CAMPENHOUDT, L., QUIVY, R.,. Manuel de recherche en sciences sociales, Paris : Dunod, 2011.

Language of instruction
