Learning outcomes

The goal is to software quality assessment and improvement principles at the level of software product, as well as software process.


- Introduction to Software Quality - Product quality - Product quality Models : Boehm - FURPS - ISO-9126 - ... - Process quality - Process quality Models : ISO-15504 - Measurement in Software Engineering - Main measurement methods : Size (LOC & FPA), complexity (MCCabe...), OO suites (Chidamber ...)

Assessment method

Writen Examination

Sources, references and any support material

1) "Software Metrics"  By Norman E. Fenton &  Shari Lawrence Pfleeger Pws Pub Co; 2nd edition (1996)

2) "Design of Software Measures (Software Metric & Software Metrology) By Alan Abran, Wiley 2010.

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Standard 0 5
Standard 1 5