The course can only be passed if all parts of the mark have been presented and none of the parts is less than 7/20. Any part that is not presented or any unjustified absence from any part of the assessment will result in a mark of 1/20 for the course as a whole. However, for the August session, if the overall course average does not reach 10/20, each student will only sit again those parts for which they have not obtained 10/20.
-The course aims to achieve level B1.Recurrent grammatical errors at a lower level (A1-A2-A2+) and any error in relation to the vocabulary of ‘Alledaags Nederlands’ (seen in Block 1 and Block 2) may result in failure of the written and oral productions.
- Continuous assessment (60%)
o ‘Een Nederlandstalige interviewen’ or 'tandem'(20%)
Deadlines for registering for an appointment: Sunday 20 October (Q1) and Sunday 23 February (Q2) at 11.59 pm
o Oral or written production in class (15%)
The student's overall effort during the course will be assessed. For some tasks, the teacher will simply look at whether or not the task has been completed. In other cases, a more detailed assessment will be carried out. These assessments may involve both oral and written skills and will be assessed either individually, in pairs or in groups. The mark will be based on the mathematical average of the various graded tasks.
This part of the assessment is based on regular work and cannot be repeated in a second session. The mark will therefore be transferred as such to the second session.
o Language tools - Grammar and vocabulary (25%)
3 tests will be organised during the year during class time.
- June exam (40%)
o Written part in preparation to the oral (10%): cover letter + curriculum vitae in response to a job offer selected by the student, due no later than Sunday 18 May 2025. Assessment will be based on :
- the match between the letter and the offer ;
- language use quality (vocabulary, grammar) ;
- coherence and cohesion of ideas.
o Oral exam (30%): conditional on the timely submission of the cover letter + cv + job offer (see above).
- Job interview based on the job offer.
- Optional activities
In the first session, students who have actively, repeatedly and purposefully participated in an optional activity will be awarded 0.5 bonus points. These may include :
- Lunchtime conversation tables
- Extra supervision with Mrs Schoonbroodt
- Eten en Spelen’ lunchtime activities
ERAMUS students
Students on an Erasmus stay in Q1 should contact the class teachers (Christelle Hoorelbeke and Marc Miceli) at the beginning of the year (by 6 October at the latest) to inform them of their particular situation. Their continuous assessment mark will be based solely on Q2 activities.
Students will contact their teacher (Christelle Hoorelbeke, Marc Miceli, Sophie Naveau, Marie Baert or Ophélie Malcolm) to make an appointment at the beginning of the second term to present the Q1 assignment for ‘Een Nederlandstalige interviewen’ or 'tandem'
The mark for language tools - grammar and vocabulary - will be based solely on the Q2 assessments.
MASTER students
Master's students MUST follow the Dutch 3 course and take the assessments, just like other students.
However, Master's students who cannot attend the course regularly in Q1 and/or Q2 (evidence must be provided) should contact us by 31 October.
A date will be planned in Q2 in agreement with the course teachers in order to carry out a written task (mark for the ‘oral or written productions’ part of the continuous assessment) and the grammar-vocabulary tests.
Students should make an appointment for ‘Een Nederlandstalige interviewen’ or 'tandem' in Q1 and Q2.
August session
Only the parts for which the student does not obtain at least 10/20 must be repeated in second session, with the exception of the mark for written or oral production in class, which is simply carried over from one session to the next with no possibility of improvement.
Students who have chosen the tandem during the year and who have not obtained at least 10/20 will then have to conduct an interview with a Dutch speaker in the second session.