Learning outcomes

This MOOC aims to equip students with effective personal study methods that are suited to higher education. It enables students to get to know themselves better in terms of study methods thanks to personalised pathways based on self-assessment questionnaires; to equip themselves with effective strategies and to be active by testing these strategies directly and making them their own through scripted sequences; to understand how they work based on learning theories derived in particular from neuroscience. By the end of the MOOC, students will have acquired the essential knowledge they need to learn effectively throughout their lives.


To provide students with effective personal study methods adapted to their different courses;
    To enable students to get to know themselves better in terms of study methods, thanks to personalised pathways based on self-assessment questionnaires throughout the MOOC;
    Equip students with effective strategies and make them active by allowing them to test these strategies directly and make them their own through scripted sequences;
    Understand how you work when you're learning, so that you can learn more effectively.


The MOOC is organised over 6 weeks.

0. Introduction: objectives, practical details and how the MOOC works
Placement test to identify your needs in terms of study methods in higher education

1. Module 1: getting to work and staying there

2. Module 2: managing your time and getting organised

     (continues into week 3 to regulate planning)

3. Module 3: dealing actively with your subject

4. Module 3: dealing actively with your subject (continued)

5. Module 4: memorising to apply knowledge in real-life situations

6. Module 5: learning independently and closing the MOOC

This MOOC is based on differentiated learning according to individual needs. For each module, students are actually put into action to promote their learning. They have the opportunity to interact with the other participants or with the teacher accompanying them on the MOOC.

Information and registration: HTTPS://WWW.FUN-MOOC.FR/COURSES/COURSE-V1:UNAMUR+163001+SESSION02/ABOUT

Table of contents

Table of contents of the MOOC

Module 0: Introduction

    Welcome to the MOOC! A MOOC for effective learning: How? How? Why?
    Navigating the MOOC: Interface, Instances, Forums
    Survey: who are you?
    Follow-up certificate
    Placement test

Module 1: Introduction

    Preamble: Objectives and outline of the module
    Help... I can't get to work
    My work and perseverance profile
    The island of temptation!
    The strategy fair
    My commitments
    Willpower = muscles
    Recap corner

Module 2: Organising your work and managing your time

    Preamble: Module objectives and plan
    Managing my time... What a pain!
    Planning or not planning?
    My schedule: step 1
    My schedule: step 2
    My schedule: step 3
    A few time management principles
    Avoid the pitfalls
    Frequently asked questions
    Recap corner

Module 3: dealing actively with the subject matter and content

    Preamble: Objectives and plan of the module
    Have a look! It's Super-student!
    The first challenge

     3.1. I select the field of study that suits me

     3.2. I study the proposed text

     3.3. I remember what I have studied

     3.4. I answer questions about the text

     3.5. Tips from Super Etudiant!

     3.6. I consult other summaries

     3.7. I select the summary that is closest to mine

     3.8. I view the analysis of other summaries

     3.9. Super Etudiant's summary

     3.10. I indicate what I've learnt

    From student to Super-student...
    The second challenge
    Recap corner

Module 4: Memorise to use what you've learnt in real-life situations

    Preamble: Module objectives and outline
    Students in distress - Come and help them!

2.1.  Alex confuses concepts

2.2. Frédérique can't formulate an answer

2.3 Eliot is confused by the questions

2.4. Mathéo quickly forgets the chapter he has studied

2.5. Lucie does not retain what she has studied in the long term

2.6. Valentine has difficulty concentrating

2.7. Naya loses her nerve in an exam

    The toolbox
    Frequently asked questions
    Recap corner

Module 5: Being independent

    Preamble: Module objectives and plan
    Independent learning
    Review Corner

Module 6: End of the MOOC

    An evaluation of the MOOC
    Follow-up certificate
    Flashback on the modules

Assessment method

Assessment instructions

The assessment of the course is based on your active participation in the four modules of the MOOC, the section on autonomy, the flashbacks and the assessment.  Within each module, you will also be assessed on how well you have discovered the videos, completed the exercises and written the answers to the questions.

The course assessment also includes an analysis of the development of your study methods for each module and the decisions you have made based on this analysis.

Your evaluation file includes your certificate of attendance and another document. It should be sent by e-mail to mireille.houart@unamur.be, no later than one week after the official closing date of the MOOC.

The document entitled "Evaluation document for the MOOC - Aim for success - Become a super student" has four parts:

    The reason for your enrolment in this course in a few lines.

    Your placement test

2.1 Your placement test results ;

2.2 A few lines about your reaction to these results. Do you agree or disagree?

2.3 Your justification.

    Your productions for each module

3.1 Module 1

    What were your temptations?
    What strategies did you choose to deal with them?

3.2 Module 2

    Tool 1 completed: the list of tasks for one week ;
    Tool 2 completed: your schedule;
    Tool 3 completed: the schedule self-regulation tool completed after one week's operation of the schedule.

3.3 Module 3

    Your summary from challenge 1 ;
    The new strategies used after Challenge 1 ;
    Your summary for challenge 2 ;
    The new strategies used after Challenge 2.

3.4 Module 4

    The students you identified with ;
    The new strategies you have selected for memorising effectively;
    A summary of the strategies you apply in real-life situations.

3.5 Flashbacks

    Your answers to the flashback for module 1 ;
    Your flashback answers for module 2 ;
    Your flashback answers for module 3 ;
    Your answers to the flashback for module 4.
    Evaluation of your experience in the MOOC

4.1 Your overall assessment of the contribution of this MOOC to your training (minimum half a page);

4.2 Examples of strategies or knowledge that you have transferred as part of your course study this year (minimum half a page).

Assessment criteria


Maximum number of points

Submission of dossier on time

2 points

Follow-up certificate sent

2 points

Respect for the structure and prominence of headings in the document

4 points

Completeness of the document

27 points (1 point per part + 2 points for the reasons for your entry + 6 points for the 2 parts of the assessment)

Compliance with writing standards (spelling, syntax, linking words, punctuation, etc.)  

5 points

Consistency in the text between the explanations and the results presented


10 points

Richness of transfer examples

10 points


60 points

The number of points awarded out of 60 will be awarded out of 20.


Sources, references and any support material

The Mooc is partly based on the reference book: Houart M. Réussir sa première année d'études supérieures. Louvain-la-Neuve. De Boeck supérieur (2017).

A bibliography is provided but referring to it is optional.

Language of instruction
