Nederlandse vervolmakingscursus - economische teksten (level B2+)
- UE code EELVM421
30Quarter 1
- ECTS Credits 5
At the end of this unit, the student is able to: • read a non-specialised economic text without difficulty • transforming information from different economic sources into a coherent synthesis and giving a personal view on the subject • Present a company orally • conduct a conversation on an economic topic
• Text portfolio, available on the WebCampus ("De Kloof") • Portfolio of texts, to be collected by students ("Portfolio") • Conversation topics, available on the WebCampus ("Stof voor discussie")
Interactive seminar -- materials: - "De Kloof (WebCampus) - "Stof voor discussie" (WebCampus) Individual work: - "Bedrijfsvoorstelling: oral presentation (WebCampus) - "Portfolio, with written summary and oral presentation (WebCampus)
1) Quality of personal work (written work, oral presentation) 2) Oral examination (open book) - topics: (i) texts seen in the course ("De Kloof", "Stof voor discussie") (ii) the "Portfolio" produced by the student 3) active participation in course activities
Warning : please note that the success of this teaching unit does not lead to certification.
The materials are available on the WebCampus.