Caption: Professor Jeroen Darquennes, VRRI and His Excellency Mr. Jean-Louis Thill, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

The Luxembourg delegation was led by H.E. Mr. Jean-Louis Thill, Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, accompanied by Mr. Christian Muller, Deputy Head of Mission. The University of Namur was represented by Professor Jeroen Darquennes, Vice-Rector for International Relations, and Ms Isabella Fontana, Director of the International Relations Department.

The role of academic, political and economic players in the Grand Duchy and the Walloon Region was at the heart of the discussions. The aim? To define how these can contribute to the development of academic, scientific, economic and cultural relations within the Greater Saar-Lor-Lux Region.

The University of Namur and the University of Luxembourg regularly collaborate on research projects in various fields such as linguistics, medicine, economics, law, computer science and aerospace. Recently, these links have been strengthened following UNamur's entry into the European alliance UNIVERSEH, of which the University of Luxembourg is a founding member.

In particular, the two universities offer exchange opportunities for students. For example, several young Luxembourgers study at Belgian higher education institutions, including UNamur, thanks to scholarships from the Luxembourg government. Belgian students also have the opportunity to carry out internships with companies and laboratories in Luxembourg. These exchanges are beneficial not only for the students, but also for the institutions and countries involved.

This meeting testifies to the shared desire of the University of Namur and the University of Luxembourg to strengthen and broaden their collaboration, thus contributing to the development of solid and lasting academic and scientific relations.