The election of the Rector or Rectoress of UNamur is a democratic process where all students and staff can vote. Voting will take place electronically on April 14 and 15.
If, at the end of it, the candidate obtains an absolute majority (if the percentage of votes awarded to her is strictly greater than 50%), she will be presented to the General Assembly for rectoral appointment. If the candidate does not obtain an absolute majority, the General Assembly may refer the matter to the Electoral Commission for a new election procedure. If the General Assembly decides not to hold a new election, the sole candidate will be proposed to it for appointment.
The entire electoral process is overseen by a commission chaired by Philippe Olivier, honorary magistrate in Namur, and bringing together the presidents of the various staff bodies (academic, scientific and administrative, technical and management staff), the president of the General Assembly of Students and a representative of the Society of Jesus. This commission has drafted the electoral regulations endorsed by the General Assembly and ensures all management and control of the electoral procedure.
At the end of the ballot, the result will be validated by the General Assembly. The election will be publicly announced by Philippe Olivier, president of the electoral commission, and Father Thierry Dobbelstein sj, Provincial of the Jesuits of French-speaking Western Europe.