Fall open courses, discover the university!
From Monday, October 21 to Friday, October 25, 2024, UNamur will welcome rhetoricians to dive into the students' daily lives.

From Monday, October 21 to Friday, October 25, 2024, UNamur will welcome rhetoricians to dive into the students' daily lives.
Throughout the week, university courses will be on free access to help students take this first step in exploring higher education.
They can also meet with a advisor to take stock of their choice of studies, get information on programs or services available to students.
A orientation workshop will also be offered on Tuesday, October 22, from 1:30 to 4:00 pm, to reflect on the orientation process, gain a better understanding of the higher education landscape and define the key markers in the process of clarifying their project (training and professional).
The provisional schedule of open courses will be available about ten days before the event.
Open doors, open courses, preparatory courses...
Throughout the year, UNamur offers numerous activities to inform about studies and help rhetoricians, students and adults returning to study make their choices.
Getting organized, coping with a large amount of work, finding your balance between academic and extra-academic activities... Moving to university is a big step, and UNamur supports students through this change.
Our students and professors speak out in this video.
Rue de Bruxelles, 85 5000 Namur
+32 (0)81 72 50 30