This project involves the organization of two days of suspended courses entitled "Journées d'Enseignement au Développement Durable et à la Transition écologique", aimed at UNamur students in a cross-disciplinary perspective. The first day will feature workshops and 6 40-minute lectures covering the basics needed to understand the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Law, Economics, Social and Management Sciences, Medical Sciences (Human and Veterinary), Science, Computer Science, Philosophy and Literature. Working groups will be set up to collaborate over the course of the academic year to produce tools for transmitting knowledge in fields related to their training programs. The second JEDDT will be dedicated to presenting the materials developed by the students, and will be designed as a flipped classroom during which students will teach their teachers and peers.

Project leaders: Amélie Lachapelle (Faculty of Law) and Grégoire Wieërs (Dept. of Medicine)


CANDLE call for projects

Depuis 2013, les appels Campus Namur Durable (CaNDLE) ont pour vocation d'inviter la Communauté Universitaire à proposer des actions dont l’objectif est de rendre le campus et l’activité universitaire plus durables à court, moyen et long terme.