What motivated you to become a student representative?

Presentation has always interested me. The further I get in life, the more I realize how important it is. We students can express ourselves in the various bodies of the University of Namur. We must seek the support of these bodies so that all students study in good conditions and so that we can organize extra-academic activities in a healthy and safe environment.

What are the concerns of UNamur students that you would like to address during your term of office?

From the point of view of the Conseil Etudiant (CE), there is first of all the issue of the BUMP, the library, during which students need to have a qualitative alternative. For the three years I've been a member of the CE, we've had a representation problem from the community point of view, as the CE doesn't wish to join the FEF (Fédération des Etudiants Francophones). If the EC does not wish to affiliate to the FEF for the year 2024-2025, I hope to find a solution to make ourselves heard by our ministers and governments. On the entertainment front, we need to reinvigorate the "BE(er) Responsible" campaign for an ever more responsible campus. We need to publicize all the activities offered on campus, whether by kot-à-projets, circles, regions, magazines, etc. We also need to raise awareness of projects such as May'AGE (https://www.site.age-namur.be/mayage). Thanks to the many sports, cultural and awareness-raising events, let's become CRACS, Responsible Active Critical Solidary Citizens!

What are the strengths of the new AGE team for the 2024-2025 academic year?

Mix many experienced profiles from the different student collectives in Namur. This way, we can take into account the different realities of students to be present when necessary. What's more, we have profiles that are competent in their fields and motivated to make the lives of UNamur students pleasant and filled with happiness.

Can you introduce us to the new AGE team?

Compared to recent years, I wanted to create a position of harm reduction manager, whose mission will be to perpetuate the various prevention and awareness-raising actions for students.

Logo AGE

Vice-president in charge of the Student Council : Pablo Giesdorf
Adjointe animation : Zora Gilet
Trésorière : Elisabeth Plivskiy
Secrétaire : Lisa Delannay
Communications manager: Camille Legrand
Logistics managers: Clément Lambert, Théo Delannay, Tom Thuet
Technology manager: Simon Dourte
Culture manager: Ahmed Otmani
Responsible for harm reduction : Margaux Homans
Student administrators : Astrid Legrand, Romain Albert
President of the Assembly of Circles (ADC): Killian Dubois
Président de l'Assemblée des Kots-à-Projet (AKàP) : Benjamin Lapiere
Président du Conseil Inter Régionales (CIR) : Alexandre Garbar
Moderator : Elise Collet

How do you plan to strengthen ties between students and staff at UNamur?

Students and staff together form the UNamur community. For it to be enjoyable to live together, everyone needs to feel respected and considered. The best way to achieve this is to meet each other. With this in mind, I'd like to continue the convivial moments that bring us together, whether through the Grand Quiz de l'UNamur or the Fête de l'université. The AGE needs to be there to facilitate dialogue if the need arises from students or staff members. Together, we'll ensure that everyone can flourish on campus!

Emilien Perreaux, nouveau Président de l'AGE

Students and staff together form the UNamur community. For it to be pleasant to live together, each and every one must feel respected and considered.

Emilien Perreaux Chairman of the AGE

What specific projects or initiatives would you like to implement?

First of all, we have a number of challenges ahead of us. Particularly concerning the Bal des Bleus and Saint Nicolas, which will no longer be able to take place under the usual conditions. We'll need to be creative to keep these federative events going. Secondly, I want to make prevention and awareness of alcohol consumption and consent a central part of our action, not least through the work of our harm reduction officer. In addition, I'd also like to bring the May'AGE project (https://www.site.age-namur.be/mayage) back to the forefront. Another project is the new AGE application which is currently being created and which I hope to make available in the course of the coming year. After two years' experience at AGE, I hope to be able to contribute to improving its internal workings. I'll conclude with "A vision without action is just a hallucination."

From a personal point of view, what do you expect from this experience as President of the AGE?

I want to continue discovering and learning. Whatever project I'm involved in, it's always with a thirst for discovery that I've moved forward. This experience will also enable me to continually improve in many skills such as team management, listening and peer advocacy.

To conclude, overall, AGE has enabled me to make incredible human encounters and probably lifelong friendships.

What message would you like to convey to the students who elected you?

I want listening to be one of the keys to my mandate, because I'm convinced that listening is a sign of respect and an open door to others. It will therefore be essential for me to be present for all students and for us to be listened to.

A word for your predecessor, Kevin Persoons?

Thank you Kevin for your support and for the many adventures we've had. We still have so many more to invent... And I look forward to hearing from you again; you won't get off that easy! I'd like to thank Jeanne Nérac, former president of AGE, who helped me discover the AGE adventure as treasurer two years ago.

Kevin Persoons, prédécesseur d'Emilien Perreaux