The Action de Recherche Concertée (ARC) AUTOMATic project
This project aims to develop and test, in a simulation environment, a content-aware urban traffic management system based on a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
More info on the ARC projects website.
The EU-C2W Fellowship - On the study of firefly synchronisation using robots
"Connect with Wallonia - Come 2 Wallonia" (C2W) is a European postdoctoral program (Marie Skłodowska Curie COFUND action) open to postdoctoral researchers in all fields of research. The project, led by Dr Marcelo Avida and Cinzia Tomaselli, involves implementing what is known as synchronization response in a population of e-puck robots. It is inspired by behavior observed in certain species of fireflies as part of courtship.
More info on the C2W website.
The SPW's Win4Doc project is researching Monaster - Failure monitoring system with a preventive and autonomous maintenance strategy based on robotics and artificial intelligence for space applications.
This project led by Antoine Hubermont aims to create a platform for visualizing and predicting information about the condition of terrestrial assets, assessing the risk level of their failure, identifying anomalies and initiating a process to restore their functions. The platform integrates and combines the detection and prediction capabilities of artificial intelligence-based solutions with the technical capabilities of robotic solutions. The project is being carried out in collaboration with Telespazio Belgium.
The SPW BEWARE fellowship is researching ILabBot - Intelligent Laboratory Autonomous Mobile Robot for Pharmaceutical Industry
The aim of this project led by Dr. Muhanad Alkilabi is to equip the HelMO mobile robot with all the necessary control mechanisms and possibly additional sensors to enable the robot to operate autonomously in a pharmaceutical laboratory environment in order to automate production processes currently carried out by human operators. This project is being carried out in collaboration with CISEO.