By coordinating this new certificate, UNamur is once again materializing its commitment to the implementation of inclusion of deaf and hard-of-hearing people and the visibility of sign language within society. UNamur is a pioneer in the linguistic study of LSFB. Its Laboratoire de langue des signes de Belgique francophone (LSFB-Lab) is unique in Belgium. It works closely with the ASBL École et surdité and the Centre scolaire Sainte-Marie Namur, which since the early 2000s has included groups of deaf children in hearing classes, offering these pupils bilingual teaching. In 2022, UNamur thus presented the first French-LSFB bilingual dictionary, developed thanks to the expertise and collaboration of a team of researchers in linguistics and computer science at UNamur, with financial support from the Fonds Baillet Latour. As early as 2012, UNamur was involved as a scientific partner in the creation of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Sign Language Translation and Interpreting, organized at UCLouvain, on the Saint-Louis Brussels and Louvain-la-Neuve sites.
These various initiatives are taking place in a context in which the Conseil de la Langue française, des Langues régionales endogènes et des Politiques linguistiques has just adopted an Own-initiative Opinion highlighting the importance of including deaf people in various fields. Indeed, the inclusion of deaf people, in the fields of LSFB research, teacher training, interpreting, media and audiovisual, and language planning, forms the core of this avis.