Entry to THE Impact is voluntary for higher education institutions wishing to highlight their commitment to a more sustainable society. All institutions are assessed on SDG 17, a cross-cutting objective dedicated to "Partnerships for achieving the goals". Indeed, this SDG underlines the need for a collective dynamic between the various players in society to face up to the major challenges of our time. In addition to this SDG, institutions applying must choose at least three other SDGs that correspond to the major actions they are developing. For this first application, UNamur has chosen the following SDGs: "No poverty", "Gender equality" and "Peace, justice and effective institutions". Each SDG is assessed according to the following contributions: research (27%) and concrete actions carried out internally and externally in the relevant field.

For the 4 SDGs on which it was assessed, UNamur's results are therefore very encouraging:

1. no poverty

UNamur ranks between 201st and 300th place (out of 876 institutions). This good result is based on the actions taken to combat student insecurity and support their success, but also on the research carried out in the field of poverty and social justice, particularly at the Centre for Development Economics Research and at the Centre Vulnerabilities and Society.

5. "Gender equality

UNamur ranks between 401st and 600th place (out of 1061 institutions). The implementation of a gender team since 2011, the creation of a gender vice-rectorate since 2013, as well as the creation of the Phare (Protection Harcèlement Etudiant) scheme and the existence of the help For Children and Families service at the University of Namur, are all actions leading to these encouraging results. What remains to be done, however, is to pursue efforts in the field of gender equality in academic careers, in particular.

16. "Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions

UNamur ranks between 101st and 200th place (out of 900 institutions). These results underline the investment deployed by UNamur to foster a fair, equitable and effective context within its institution (statutes, values, calls for participatory projects, etc.) but also for the benefit of society with numerous research projects aimed at this objective. The many training programs it offers, in these fields, are another asset.


17. "Partnerships to achieve objectives

UNamur scores very well here too, appearing between 301st and 400th place (out of 1625 institutions). Through these numerous collaborations with local, national and international partners, UNamur actively participates in the sharing of knowledge, expertise and experience aimed at achieving the SDGs.

UNamur has chosen to integrate more university rankings, in keeping with its values, in order to develop its reputation and international collaborations in particular.

UNamur's very good results in SDGs 1 and 16 highlight the significant investment of researchers and the institution in issues of social justice, inclusion, democracy and good governance. These issues are intrinsically linked to the values of the university, which is delighted to see its investment in these areas recognized, and sees it as an encouragement to invest even more in contributing to a fairer and more sustainable society. I can't resist making a link with the two ERC Starting Grants won by our political science colleagues. With Citizen_Impact, Vincent Jacquet is studying citizen participation and its impact on solving the crisis of democracy. With POLSTYLE, Jérémy Dodeigne analyzes the emergence of new political styles and, in particular, of a "Trumpian" style.

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