After exploring the themes of childhood and migration in 2022-2023, then harassment in 2023-2024, this year the Faculty of Law turns its attention to an essential issue: inclusion. Under the slogan "Let's live inclusion!", the Fil Rouge 2024-2025 aims to raise awareness among students and teachers of the importance of making room for everyone in our society, regardless of race, gender, social class, age, physical and mental abilities, sexual preferences,...

The launch event on September 24 perfectly illustrated this desire for openness and reflection. Serge Van Brakel, a disabled person who came to tell his story with humor and humanity in a conference-show, shared a striking feeling: "You're never expected where you are. You're facing someone you weren't expecting".

Intervention de Serge Van Brakel en Faculté de droit

This testimonial provoked strong reactions, including that of Klara, a student in her first year of a bachelor's degree in law, who said, "It's interesting to have this type of activity as part of our studies. The theme of inclusion is important these days. For example, when we think of disability, we think of the physical, but in reality, there are also oral disabilities and so on. The notion is much broader than we imagine."

The opening evening in particular provided an opportunity to reflect on the link between disability and handicap, laying the foundations for questions that will mark out this new year.

Objectives for the year

The aim of this initiative is to bring together all students, whether they are on shift work or in day classes, around a theme that affects them all. The issues of racism, grossophobia, discrimination against the elderly, LGBTQIA+, or even the less able, will be tackled through various prisms, enabling legal theory to be linked to practice.

This Fil Rouge also seeks to decompartmentalize subjects and offer a cross-disciplinary teaching approach, to train committed jurists who are sensitive to issues of inclusion and capable of understanding, in all their facets, the realities of society.

Throughout the year, issues related to inclusion will be integrated into the various courses and practical work, with case studies, mock trials and more. Conferences, plays and film screenings will also enable these reflections to be extended outside the classroom, with moments of exchange between students and professionals in the field.

Thus, through this new edition of Fil Rouge, the Faculty of Law hopes not only to enrich its students' knowledge, but also to open them up to essential human values, as part of their future career as lawyers.

On the same subject

Retrouvez toutes les informations sur le Fil Rouge en Faculté de droit

Photos by Emma Bourcelet.