In January 2024, Michel Ajzen joined UNamur's Department of Management Sciences as Professor of Organization and Innovation Management. In addition to his professorial role, he is also a member of the Creativity and Innovation Research Center (CIRCE) within the Namur Digital Insitute (NaDI), where he continues to explore the innovative and sustainable dimensions of hybrid work.
Michel Ajzen's research focuses primarily on organizational and managerial innovation, with a particular interest in hybrid work. His thesis, focusing on telecommuting during the crisis, provided the foundation for his current work on "sustainable hybrid work". He strives to understand the organizational, managerial and human stakes of temporal and spatial flexibility and technologies in work.
He examines the reconfiguration of work relationships in hybrid environments, the management of comfort differences with these new modalities, and the challenges of preserving the collective and commitment to work. He also explores the crucial role of proximity managers in this context, focusing on their sustainability and questions of well-being at work, inclusion and sustainability. His research highlights the risks of over-individualization of work and the ethical implications in terms of equity and collective solidarity. He advocates a contextual, trans-disciplinary approach to exploring sustainable solutions, in close collaboration with stakeholders in the field. Its aim is to develop critical thinking and innovative management practices in response to contemporary challenges in the world of work. It contributes to enriching the field of management through its in-depth reflections and significant contributions to understanding hybrid work and its impacts on organizations and their members.