A cooperative platform, STEAMULI federates Namur initiatives and organizations active in the STEAM field. Whether working on the image of careers and science, setting up discovery and learning support pathways, or overcoming gender stereotypes through a more inclusive approach. Julie Henry, an expert in IT didactics and gender, is also STEAM project manager and responsible for UNamur within STEAMULI: "STEAMs above all enable a project-based approach, with an emphasis on creativity. So it's all about group work - everyone has to bring their own knowledge, acquired elsewhere - which aims to respond to a societal problem/need by creating a product. "
In this context, the STEAM education certificate set up by UNamur in collaboration with Hénallux, Technobel, le Pavillon and FormaNam, offers teachers the opportunity to acquire new tools in the teaching of science, technology, digital, technical and mathematical subjects, focusing on a creative and innovative approach. "If you have exercises that are too framed, it won't be ideal," comments Julie Henry. "On the other hand, if you put children into problem-solving and take them out of their comfort zone, you'll enable them to be more creative..."
Véronique Dethier, researcher at UNamur and author of a thesis on creativity management, is involved in this certificate. "I discuss the creative process with teachers: what are the methodologies, the stages of this individual and collective process, and how to work on the creative posture." According to the definition of Todd Lubart, professor of psychology and recognized specialist in this theme at Paris Descartes University, "creativity is the capacity of an individual to realize a production that is both novel and adapted to the context in which it manifests itself." Contrary to some a priori, it would be far from being the preserve of artists. For Véronique Dethier, everyone is creative: only, we've developed it at different levels "depending on the family context, professional background and everything we've been able to develop in our career." Creativity would above all be a "state of mind", mobilizable by everyone. A "pedagogy of creativity" is therefore possible, mobilizing "serious games" in particular... whatever the complexity or supposed aridity of the subject matter.