Anthony Simonofski is Professor of Digital Transformation at the UNamur School of Management (EMCP Faculty) and a member of the Namur Digital Institute (University of Namur). It is recognized for its innovative research in governance and digital transformation.

Anthony Simonofski

"For 5 years, I'll be part of the Collegium of the Royal Academy of Belgium, and also of the "Technology and Society" class. My participation will enable me to contribute my vision and interdisciplinary expertise on digital transformation. During this mandate, I will be able to participate in the Academy's various work concerning its knowledge dissemination events such as its colloquia or scientific valorization (prizes, competitions, grants)", explains Anthony Simonofski.

One of the missions he hopes to accomplish as part of his mandate is to exchange on digital issues through an interdisciplinary approach. "Today's digital challenges require an interdisciplinary approach, combining IT, managerial, legal, sociological perspectives and much more. The 'Technology and Society' class will enable these exchanges to elaborate constructive reflections for a harmonious integration of digital in our society," he emphasizes. He will also make his expertise in digital transformation available. "It presents a whole series of new challenges such as inclusion, adoption or the necessary participation of citizens. So I'd like to make my research in this area available, and perhaps even encourage the Academy itself to enter into a more participatory approach towards citizens via digital channels," Anthony Simonofski points out.

Author of the podcast "Pop-Code" about digital education, which he is producing with his colleague Benoit Vanderose (Faculté informatique- UNamur), Anthony SIMONOFSKI also defends the concept of art as a vehicle for popularizing science. "At the Collegium, I want to work to make digital research accessible and engaging, by initiating collaborative projects that combine scientific rigor and artistic innovation to reach a wider and more diverse audience." Finally, by becoming a member of the Collegium, Anthony Simonofski will ensure representation of UNamur's expertise on digital, notably by relaying the interdisciplinary vision of the Namur Digital Institute and the EMCP Faculty.

Olivier Sartenaer, meanwhile, is Professor of Philosophy at UNamur and his research focuses on metaphysics and the philosophy of science. "By joining the Collegium, I hope to enrich the reflections of the Humanities and Moral and Political Sciences class with my expertise in epistemology and philosophy of science. I also hope to help bring the class closer to those more oriented towards the natural sciences, thanks to the feet I have somewhat in both universes.

Olivier Sartenaer

Incidentally, I also hope to represent UNamur there," Olivier Sartenaer points out. "Integrating the Collegium is a nice recognition of my work. Secondly, it will enable me to meet a lot of interesting people and, together, to cross-fertilize our expertise to reflect on major societal issues at our monthly sessions. I'll be able to present and discuss my work, and also discover the work of Belgian scientific colleagues. Finally, it will enable me to take advantage of some of the Academy's support (access to premises, publications, networks, etc.) to organize events, or disseminate my work".

Photo de groupe des élus du Collegium de l'Académie royale

The Collegium of the Royal Academy of Belgium

Le Collégium de l'Académie royale de Belgique est un organe qui rassemble des jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses (moins de 40 ans) de Wallonie-Bruxelles qui se sont particulièrement distingués dans leur carrière. Fondé en 2009, le Collégium a pour mission de soutenir l'Académie dans ses objectifs de promotion des arts et de la recherche. Il organise également des cours-conférences de niveau universitaire, gratuits et accessibles à un large public.