In December 2022, UNamur joined the space-focused UNIVERSEH Alliance. A real recognition of UNamur's expertise in the space field, and a gateway to new international collaborations in both teaching and research, around a field driving employment and socio-economic development.
The objectives of the ERASMUS+-funded UNIVERSEH alliance include building a range of interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral joint education and training programs, developing innovative pedagogical models, strengthening mobility and multilingualism in Europe, promoting diversity and enhancing inclusiveness within the alliance and beyond, in the space field.
The seven alliance members are: Université de Toulouse (France), Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf (Germany), Luleå University of Technology (Sweden), AGH University of Krakow (Poland), University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy), Université de Namur (Belgium)