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21 new F.R.S.-FNRS grants for research at UNamur
The F.R.S.-FNRS has just published the results of its various 2024 calls. Equipment calls, research credits and projects, FRIA doctoral grants and Mandant d'Impulsion Scientifique (MIS), there are many instruments to support fundamental research. Find out more about UNamur's results.
Faculté Economie Management Communication sciencesPo (EMCP)
Reconciling business and nature: a forest immersion with UNamur students
In the heart of the magnificent Haugimont forest reserve, bachelor's and master's students in economics at the University of Namur took part in an unprecedented workshop, blending economic thinking and ecology.
Innovative methods for assessing body perception in adults with autism
Joanna Mourad, a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology at UNamur's Faculty of Medicine, has just published a study that incorporates dynamic digital tools to better assess body perception in people with autism. Explanations.