Learning outcomes

At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  • use the concepts of chemical bonding, molecular geometry, Lewis structure and hybridization to represent the structure of organic molecules in two or three dimensions
  • Draw simple organic molecules using the different writing conventions covered in the course.
  • identify and represent the functional groups of the main families of organic compounds
  • Deduce the structure of a molecule from its name (IUPAC) and conversely, deduce the name of a molecule from its structure. (Simple organic molecules from the family of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, halogenated compounds, alcohols, phenols, thiols)
  • describe and weight oxidation-reduction equations applied mainly to organic molecules (application to biochemical processes)
  • Assign the absolute configuration of a stereocentre
  • Distinguish and rigorously represent the three-dimensional structures of enantiomers, diastereoisomers, structural isomers, geometric isomers, conformers, etc.
  • Visualise the three-dimensional structure of organic molecules from their topological formula, Newman projection, Fisher projection, etc., and vice versa.
  • Represent the most stable conformation of organic molecules such as variously substituted cyclohexane.
  • identify the relationship between several isomers
  • understand the concepts of chirality and enantiomeric purity
  • use thermodynamic and kinetic concepts to predict the evolution of a chemical process in a qualitative way
  • recognise the different types of reactants (nucleophiles, electrophiles, radicals, acids and bases, oxidants and reducers)
  • Identify the characteristic physical properties of certain functional groups (solubility, acidity, basicity, aromaticity, etc.)
  • Describe the movement of electrons within an organic molecule and during a reaction between two given compounds.
  • Assess the relative stability of different reaction intermediates (cationic, anionic, radical) on the basis of electronic effects (inductive and mesomeric effects) and deduce the regioselectivity of some elementary reactions.
  • use theoretical concepts to analyse, exploit and comment on experimental results
  • Understand the laws governing the absorption of light by matter.
  • interpret mass spectra and UV, IR and NMR spectra of simple compounds belonging to the main families of organic chemistry in order to deduce the structure of the molecule analysed
  • recognise and identify the main organic chemistry reaction mechanisms as a function of the reactants and reaction conditions
  • predict the products of a simple reaction (without mechanism) from the reactants
  • discuss reaction mechanisms in terms of acid-base and electrophile-nucleophile interactions
  • rigorously write down the mechanisms of simple reactions covered in the course
  • be familiar with the properties and general structures of a few simple biological molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins)



The aim of the course is to give the student a sufficient command of the terminology, molecular structures and reaction mechanisms of organic chemistry. This will provide the essential chemical basis for subsequent courses such as biochemistry taught in veterinary medicine. The aim is also to develop a critical and scientific mind. The course will be illustrated by typical examples relating to the animal world.


The content of the course is defined by the first 12 chapters of the book ‘Chimie organique 1’ by H. Hart (Editions Dunod, 2008) as well as the chapter on kinetics in the ‘Concentré de Chimie’ by J. Wouters (chap VI). In the first part, the concepts developed in general chemistry are applied to carbon chemistry. The great diversity of compounds formed with carbon atoms is then presented. Types of hybridisation, polarity, isomerism, mesomerism and conformation help students to understand the nature of organic molecules, their three-dimensional nature and their classification. This section is completed by a chapter on organic structural analysis, using current physico-chemical methods for identifying organic molecules. In the second part, the kinetics of a reaction are described, with a view to tackling the final part of the course: reactivity. The study of the various functions and reaction mechanisms in relation to molecular structures is covered. Particular attention will be paid to molecules of biochemical interest (carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids).

Table of contents

Chapter 1 : Fundamental concepts
Chapter 2 : Specific writing of organic chemistry
Chapter 3: Oxidation-reduction reactions
Chapter 4 : Isomerism
Chapter 5: Chemical reactivity
Chapter 6 : Structural analysis
Chapter 7 : Alkanes
Chapter 8 : Alkenes and Alkynes
Chapter 9 : Aromatic Compounds
Chapter 10: Halogenated Compounds
Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols and Thiols
Chapter 12: Overview of the main functional groups useful in biochemistry and biology: carbohydrates, lipids and proteins


Tutorial: 10 exercise sessions supervised by assistants (Exercise sheets on Webcampus).

Teaching methods

Different teaching methods will be used:
  • Lectures for theory:
The course is based on :
  • the book ‘Chimie organique 1’ by H. Hart (Editions Dunod, 2008) which is no longer published. A substitute for this can be ‘Les cours de Paul Arnaud : Chimie Organique’ (Editions Dunod, 2021): on sale at the Librairie des Sciences
  • Chap VI of ‘Concentré de Chimie’ by J. Wouters. This is the reference book for UE SCHIB103: Chimie générale (Prof. Aprile): on sale at the Librairie des Sciences.
The material is presented using slide projections (ppt) available on the webcampus. Some points and exercises are clarified on the blackboard. The last part of the course on reactivity will be explained on the board by the teacher.
  • Tutorial: 10 sessions of exercises supervised by assistants.

Assessment method

The final mark reflects the overall assessment for the year, broken down as follows:
1) The TD mark obtained will account for 30% of the final mark awarded for the organic chemistry course.
The practical classes will be assessed by three compulsory tests in the 2nd term. The average of these exams will account for 30% of the final mark. If a test has not been taken and the absence is justified by a medical certificate, the test will have to be repeated at the recovery session organised at the end of the year. If the absence is not justified by a medical certificate, a mark of 0/20 will be awarded.
In the event of a 2nd session, the TD mark for the year will be carried over to the 2nd session.
2) The course mark obtained will account for 70% of the final mark awarded for the organic chemistry course. The exam is a written MCQ in the 1st and 2nd sessions, comprising: - the course material (theoretical concepts and applications) - the TD material (problems and exercises). The MCQ will be graded as follows: A correct answer: +1 A wrong answer: -0.5 An abstention: 0 Only one answer will be possible among the different propositions.

Sources, references and any support material

Organic Chemistry 1’ by H. Hart (Editions Dunod, 2008): no longer in print
‘Les cours de Paul Arnaud : Chimie Organique’ (Editions Dunod, 2021): on sale at Librairie des Sciences
Concentré de Chimie’ by J. Wouters (Presses Universitaires de Namur, 2022): on sale at the Librairie des Sciences

Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 0 6
Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine Standard 1 6