Learning outcomes

The organic chemistry course ains to give a first overview of :
- the electronic structure and stereochemical features of organic molecules;
- a structure-based approach to the physicochemical properties of organic molecules;
- a thermodynamic and kinetic study of organic reactions and reactive intermediates;
- a summary of basic ionic reaction mechanisms and the reactivity of the most common functional groups.


This introductory organic chemistry course aims to provide students to acquire a basic knowledge of the structural description of organic molecules, and gives them an overview of the main organic reaction mechanism (substitution, addition, elimination). A detailed enough description of structure is given for the students to be able to understand and predict physicochemical properties and basic reactivity of the most common organic funcational groups.


The course tackles three main aspects of organic chemistry. First, the structure of organic molecules is described by means of the valence bond (VB) theory. Aspects such as bond polarisation and resonance will be discussed. Basic elements of static stereochemistry will be presented. Organic nomenclature complements these fundamental aspects. Furthermore, the basic mechanisms in organic chemistry will be studied, mainly from the point of view of the available thermodynamic and kinetic data. These aspects will also covers the concepts of acidity and basicity as well as the factors that govern the stability of the main reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanions and radicals). Finally, the big classes of organic reaction mechanisms will be presented (eliminations, electrophilic and nucleophilic additions, electrohpilic and nucleophilic substitutions), and based upon these mechanisms, the reactivity of the main organic functional groups will be discussed. Organic reactivity is extrapolated to biological molecules and their interactions that can lead to the development of pharmaceutical compounds will be pinpointed.

Table of contents

1. Electronic structure and covalent bonds
2. Nomenclature of organic compounds
3. Structure and physical properties of molecules
4. Alkenes and alkynes
5. Reactions of alkenes and alkynes
6. Isomerism and stereochemistry
7. Reactions of alcanes
8. Substitution and elimination reactions of halides
9. Reactions of alcohols, ethers and epoxides
10. Delocalised electrons: influence on stability, reactivity and pKa
11. Aromaticity
12. Carbonyl compounds I
13. Carbonyl compounds II
14. Carbonyl compounds III
15. Amino-acids, petides and proteins
16. Organic chemistry of pharmaceutical drugs


The organic chemistry lectures are paired with 7 tutorials. The latter are closely related to the lectures and complement and enhance the understanding of the concepts presented in the lectures.

Teaching methods

The interactive lectures are based on the course book and use a combination of slides and work on the board, and they require taking notes. They are complemented by tutorials and practical courses which allow a deeper understanding of the concepts and illustrate their practical applications.

Assessment method

The final mark reflects the overall assessment: final mark = 1/3 TD/TP mark +2/3 course mark
1) The TD/TP mark obtained will account for 1/3 of the final mark awarded for the organic chemistry course:
TD: The TD will be assessed by continuous assessment by means of two tests scheduled during the year, which will be marked by the assistants. The average of these exams will account for 50% of the TD/TP mark. If a test has not been taken and the absence is justified, it will have to be rescheduled at the recovery session organised at the end of the year. If the absence is not justified, a mark of 0/20 will be awarded. Non-participation in all examinations will result in an incomplete test, with an overall mark of 0/20.
Special features of continuous assessment: TDs will not be assessed in a second examination session. The results of the TD examinations cannot be carried over to the following year in the event of overall failure of the UE.
Practical work: Continuous assessment of practical work is carried out through entrance examinations and the writing of laboratory reports handed in at the end of the session. The average of this assessment accounts for 50% of the TD/TP mark. In the event of justified absence, the student must contact the didactic unit (didactique.chimie@unamur.be) at the latest within three working days following the start of the justified absence in order to organise the recovery of the missed practical.
Absences must be justified by a medical certificate or any other official document, which must be submitted to the Medical School secretariat by the end of the period covered by the document at the latest. Justification of the absence will be taken into account by the teaching unit once it has been validated by the secretariat of the Faculty of Medicine.
In the event of a second session, the TD/TP mark for the year will be carried over to the second session.
2) The course mark obtained will account for 2/3 of the final mark awarded for the organic chemistry course:
The course is assessed by a written examination which may include open and/or multiple choice questions, marked by the teacher and assistants.
In the event of failure, in accordance with the above, only the written examination may be retaken at a later session, which will follow the same procedures.
In the event of absence or signature during the written examination, a mark of 0/20 is awarded for the UE, regardless of the result of the TD/TP mark.


Sources, references and any support material

Course book: David Klein, Chimie Organique simple et intuitive, 1ère édition, De Boeck.

Recommended reading:P. Y. Bruice « Essential Organic Chemistry » Pearson, H. Hart « Organic Chemistry: a Short Course » Brooks Cole. P. Y. Bruice « Organic Chemistry » Pearson. K. P. C. Vollhardt, N. E. Schore « Organic Chemistry » WH Freeman. F. A. Carey, R. J. Sundberg « Advanced Organic Chemistry » Kluwer / Plenum. R. Brückner « Advanced Organic Chemistry » Academic Press. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P.D. Wothers « Organic Chemistry » Oxford University Press.


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences Standard 0 7
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 0 8
Bachelor in Pharmacy Standard 1 8
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences Standard 1 7