Performance Management
- UE code EMSGM224
20Quarter 2
- ECTS Credits 3
- Teacher Gallez Bertrand
At the end of this course, students will have acquired a wide understanding in the field of perfomance management. Students will be able to develop a performance management system based for a company based on its strategy.
The course aims at :
- introducing the theoretical base for performance management and for the control process in a framework encompassing indicators covering more than the sole financial perspective.
- developing objectives and principles applying to the deployment of dashboards, based on existing methodologies (BSC, OVAR), as well as highlightig the link with the strategy.
- introcuding the principles allowing the identification of relevant key performance indicators.
- introducing the underlying principles of performance forecasting, including the onitoring and analysis of actual performance.
- Finding out the ractical implementation of performance manaement in the field of air traffic control.
- developing critical thinking
- performance management : basics
- control process within a decentralised company
- dashboards
- KPIs
- From strategy to performance management
- Performance forecast
- Monitoring and analysis of actual performance
- The actors
The course aims at balancing the theoretical approach with its practical application in a company.
PowerPoint slides are being used, and periods are dedicated to the realisation of the task required for examination.
Work to be realised in a group. 10 to 20 pages. Aim is to propose a performance manageùent system for a company (existing or not).
Work to be given to the Professor by the 20th of May at the latest.
Five students per group.
Training | Study programme | Block | Credits | Mandatory |
Master in Management, Professional focus in Business Analysis & Integration | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Master in Management | Standard | 0 | 3 | |
Master in Management | Standard | 1 | 3 | |
Master in Management, Professional focus in Business Analysis & Integration | Standard | 1 | 3 |