Learning outcomes

Objectives The aim of the course is to introduce the student to a critical approach, of a philosophical and epistemological nature, and to make him/her aware of the issues and questions of society linked to veterinary medicine practices.


The course is divided into three parts. The first part deals with moral, ethical and deontological issues related to the development of scientific, medical and veterinary knowledge, to the technologies implemented for the study of living organisms and to professional practices. The second part of the course is devoted to the theme of human-animal relations and to a general discussion on how to think about the world and discuss the respective place of humans, animals and ecosystems in the biosphere and in the perspective of sustainable development. The third part deals with veterinary medicine in relation to public health, economics and development issues and concludes with a global reflection on the aims of veterinary medicine.

Assessment method

The assessment of knowledge takes the form of an examination in the January session. Students are given two further opportunities to represent the subject in the June and August sessions. The examination is designed to assess the rigour of knowledge, the ability to synthesise and the student's ability to understand the material. The questions are generally of three types: small questions of definition of notions and concepts seen in the course; a global question of synthesis and a question of comprehension applied to a well determined case on the basis of the general theory developed in the course. The student has 2 hours to answer the questions.

Sources, references and any support material


Language of instruction

Training Study programme Block Credits Mandatory
Bachelier en médecine vétérinaire Standard 0 3
Bachelier en médecine vétérinaire Standard 1 3