Bachelor in Veterinary Medicine
regular course
- ECTS Credits 180
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 SVETB198 Chemistry and Life Physics 5h th. + 25h ex. 3 SPHYB112 Physics I - Mechanics and waves HEUSKIN Anne-Catherine 50h th. + 24h ex. 6 SPHYB113 Syllabus, webcampus, Teams. Colaux Julien 25h th. + 11h ex. 3 SPHYB114 Physique III - Optique Lobet Michaël 25h th. + 10h ex. 3 SCHIB103 General chemistry Aprile Carmela 60h th. + 25h ex. 8 SCHIB106 Organic chemistry Baillieul Diane 40h th. + 20h ex. 6 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 SVETB218 Physiologie animale I Dennis Alice Hontoir Fanny 25h th. + 16h ex. 4 SVETB225 Biochimie 30h th. 3 SMEDB200 Biochimie des animaux domestiques I Hennequart Marc 30h th. + 30h ex. 4 SVETB228 Physiologie animale II Hontoir Fanny 35h th. + 15h ex. 5 SMEDB306 Biochimie des animaux domestiques II Hennequart Marc 30h th. 4 SBIOB105 General biology Hallez Régis 35h th. + 24h ex. 5 SBIOB206 Génétique appliquée à la médecine vétérinaire Matroule Jean-Yves 30h th. + 15h ex. 5 SBIOB104 Animal biology Silvestre Frédéric 35h th. + 12h ex. 5 SVETB302 Integrated cellular and molecular biology Muylkens Benoît 20h th. 3 SVETB326 Physiologie animale III Hontoir Fanny 15h th. + 4h ex. 2 SVETB306 Immunologie Gillet Nicolas 24h th. + 6h ex. 4 SVETB318 Nutrition Larondelle Yvan 30h th. + 4h ex. 4 SVETB327 Integrated physiological responses III Hontoir Fanny 25h th. + 20h ex. 6 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 MBIOB132 Biostatistics I Bihin Benoît 26h th. 2 MBIOB133 Biostatistics II Bihin Benoît Bihin Benoît 26h th. + 16h ex. 2 SSPSB208 Interdisciplinary surveys and seminars Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Muylkens Benoît Beaufays Joseph-Paul Diederich Claire Gillet Nicolas 15h th. + 30h ex. 2 SSPSB107 Philosophy and religious studies Beaufays Joseph-Paul 52.5h th. 3 SVETB314 Analysis and defence of a scientific question (end of cycle personal work) Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 5h th. 4 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 SVETB324 Epidémiologie et EBM Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 20h th. + 10h ex. 4 SVETB205 Ecology applied to domestic animals Cabaraux Jean-François 30h th. + 12h ex. 4 SVETB101 Ethology of domestic animals Diederich Claire 30h th. + 12h ex. 4 SVETB310 Microbiology Gillet Nicolas 35h th. + 15h ex. 4 SVETB313 Applied microbiology Gillet Nicolas 20h th. 2 SVETB319 Parasitology Marcotty Tanguy 25h th. + 6h ex. 3 SVETB301 Applied Ethology Diederich Claire 15h th. + 4h ex. 3 SVETB305 Veterinary biosafety Saegerman Claude Loret Suzanne 30h th. + 10h ex. 2 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 SVETB333 Interdisciplinary Seminars + Short Internship at the Sheep Research Center 2 Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Diederich Claire Diederich Claire Beaufays Joseph-Paul Beaufays Joseph-Paul Muylkens Benoît Muylkens Benoît Gillet Benoît 30h th. + 20h ex. 4 SVETB331 Interdisciplinary seminars + Student researcher (Linked to SVET B314) Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Diederich Claire Muylkens Benoît Gillet Nicolas Beaufays Joseph-Paul 30h th. + 20h ex. 4 SVETB330 Interdisciplinary seminars + Tutorials 2 Beaufays Joseph-Paul Beaufays Joseph-Paul Muylkens Benoît Muylkens Benoît Diederich Claire Diederich Claire Gillet Nicolas Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 30h th. + 20h ex. 4 SVETB332 Interdisciplinary Seminars + Animal Science Course 2 Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Muylkens Benoît Beaufays Joseph-Paul Diederich Claire Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Beaufays Joseph-Paul Diederich Claire Gillet Nicolas 30h th. + 20h ex. 4 -
Code Name Staff Th.+Ex. Credits/Block 1 2 3 SVETB295 Applied English 1 (Linked to SVET B103) (niveau B2) 10h th. + 10h ex. 2 SVETB296 Tutorial 1 5h th. 2 SVETB297 Zootechnics course 1 Muylkens Benoît 10h th. 2 SSPSB203 Psychologie Ravez Laurent 22.5h th. 2 2 SVETB343 Internship at the Centre de Recherches Ovines 1 20h ex. 2 SVETB393 Pedagogical project 5h th. 3 3 SVETB394 Development project 5h th. 3 3 SBIOB120 Data management in life sciences, basic principles Uyttendaele Nathan De Laender Frederik 8h th. + 12h ex. 2 SBIOB220 Advanced data management in life sciences Lima Mendez Gipsi 12h th. + 15h ex. 2 SBIOB003 Pluridisciplinary scientific field trip 48h ex. 3 3 SVETB399 Applied English 2 (Linked to SVET B314 and SVET B103) (niveau B2+) 10h th. + 10h ex. 2 SVETB392 Research Student + (Linked to SVETB314) Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 5h th. 2 SVETB345 Participation in the scientific information of practising veterinarians 5h th. 2
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB198 Chemistry and Life Physics 3 5h th. + 25h ex. SPHYB112 Physics I - Mechanics and waves HEUSKIN Anne-Catherine 6 50h th. + 24h ex. SPHYB113 Syllabus, webcampus, Teams. Colaux Julien 3 25h th. + 11h ex. SPHYB114 Physique III - Optique Lobet Michaël 3 25h th. + 10h ex. SCHIB103 General chemistry Aprile Carmela 8 60h th. + 25h ex. SCHIB106 Organic chemistry Baillieul Diane 6 40h th. + 20h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB199 Team Clinics I Muylkens Benoît Diederich Claire Vandeweerd Jean-Michel PETIT Astrid 2 5h th. + 20h ex. SVETB103 Animal Ethnography (Partial E-Learning) (niveau B1) Bouchat Hélène Muylkens Benoît 5 12h th. + 6h ex. SVETB112 Cytology Boonen Marielle 2 20h th. SVETB111 General Histology Poumay Yves 3 25h th. + 30h ex. SVETB102 Anatomy I Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 2 15h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SBIOB105 General biology Hallez Régis 5 35h th. + 24h ex. SBIOB104 Animal biology Silvestre Frédéric 5 35h th. + 12h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SSPSB107 Philosophy and religious studies Beaufays Joseph-Paul 3 52.5h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB101 Ethology of domestic animals Diederich Claire 4 30h th. + 12h ex.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SMEDB203 Functional and comparative histology I A Nicaise Charles 4 30h th. + 15h ex. SVETB299 Team Clinics II Diederich Claire Muylkens Benoît PETIT Astrid Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 2 5h th. + 20h ex. SVETB206 Anatomy II: Applied musculoskeletal anatomy Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 6 10h th. + 82h ex. SMEDB204 Functional and comparative histology I B Nicaise Charles 3 25h th. + 15h ex. SVETB202 Anatomy II: Theoretical musculoskeletal anatomy Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 3 30h th. SVETB203 Anatomy: splanchnology Muylkens Benoît Muylkens Benoît 9 35h th. + 6h ex. 25h th. + 10h ex. SVETB210 Judging of domestic animals Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 2 20h th. + 6h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB218 Physiologie animale I Dennis Alice Hontoir Fanny 4 25h th. + 16h ex. SVETB225 Biochimie 3 30h th. SMEDB200 Biochimie des animaux domestiques I Hennequart Marc 4 30h th. + 30h ex. SVETB228 Physiologie animale II Hontoir Fanny 5 35h th. + 15h ex. SBIOB206 Génétique appliquée à la médecine vétérinaire Matroule Jean-Yves 5 30h th. + 15h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 MBIOB132 Biostatistics I Bihin Benoît 2 26h th. MBIOB133 Biostatistics II Bihin Benoît Bihin Benoît 2 26h th. + 16h ex. SSPSB208 Interdisciplinary surveys and seminars Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Muylkens Benoît Beaufays Joseph-Paul Diederich Claire Gillet Nicolas 2 15h th. + 30h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB205 Ecology applied to domestic animals Cabaraux Jean-François 4 30h th. + 12h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB295 Applied English 1 (Linked to SVET B103) (niveau B2) 2 10h th. + 10h ex. SVETB296 Tutorial 1 2 5h th. SVETB297 Zootechnics course 1 Muylkens Benoît 2 5h th. 5h th. SSPSB203 Psychologie Ravez Laurent 2 22.5h th. SVETB343 Internship at the Centre de Recherches Ovines 1 2 20h ex. SVETB393 Pedagogical project 3 5h th. SVETB394 Development project 3 5h th. SBIOB120 Data management in life sciences, basic principles Uyttendaele Nathan De Laender Frederik 2 8h th. + 12h ex. SBIOB220 Advanced data management in life sciences Lima Mendez Gipsi 2 12h th. + 15h ex. SBIOB003 Pluridisciplinary scientific field trip 3 48h ex.
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB395 Anatomy III: Clinical anatomy 5 104h ex. SVETB320 Team Clinics III PETIT Astrid Diederich Claire Muylkens Benoît Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 2 5h th. + 20h ex. SVETB307 Anatomy of domestic animals Hontoir Fanny Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 4 30h th. + 10h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SMEDB306 Biochimie des animaux domestiques II Hennequart Marc 4 30h th. SVETB302 Integrated cellular and molecular biology Muylkens Benoît 3 20h th. SVETB326 Physiologie animale III Hontoir Fanny 2 15h th. + 4h ex. SVETB306 Immunologie Gillet Nicolas 4 24h th. + 6h ex. SVETB318 Nutrition Larondelle Yvan 4 30h th. + 4h ex. SVETB327 Integrated physiological responses III Hontoir Fanny 6 25h th. + 20h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB314 Analysis and defence of a scientific question (end of cycle personal work) Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 4 5h th. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB324 Epidémiologie et EBM Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 4 20h th. + 10h ex. SVETB310 Microbiology Gillet Nicolas 4 35h th. + 15h ex. SVETB313 Applied microbiology Gillet Nicolas 2 20h th. SVETB319 Parasitology Marcotty Tanguy 3 25h th. + 6h ex. SVETB301 Applied Ethology Diederich Claire 3 15h th. + 4h ex. SVETB305 Veterinary biosafety Saegerman Claude Loret Suzanne 2 30h th. + 10h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SVETB333 Interdisciplinary Seminars + Short Internship at the Sheep Research Center 2 Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Diederich Claire Diederich Claire Beaufays Joseph-Paul Beaufays Joseph-Paul Muylkens Benoît Muylkens Benoît Gillet Benoît 4 30h th. + 10h ex. 10h ex. SVETB331 Interdisciplinary seminars + Student researcher (Linked to SVET B314) Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Diederich Claire Muylkens Benoît Gillet Nicolas Beaufays Joseph-Paul 4 30h th. + 10h ex. 10h ex. SVETB330 Interdisciplinary seminars + Tutorials 2 Beaufays Joseph-Paul Beaufays Joseph-Paul Muylkens Benoît Muylkens Benoît Diederich Claire Diederich Claire Gillet Nicolas Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 4 30h th. + 10h ex. 10h ex. SVETB332 Interdisciplinary Seminars + Animal Science Course 2 Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Muylkens Benoît Beaufays Joseph-Paul Diederich Claire Vandeweerd Jean-Michel Beaufays Joseph-Paul Diederich Claire Gillet Nicolas 4 30h th. + 10h ex. 10h ex. -
Code Name Staff Credits Hours/Quarter 1 2 SBIOB003 Pluridisciplinary scientific field trip 3 48h ex. SVETB399 Applied English 2 (Linked to SVET B314 and SVET B103) (niveau B2+) 2 10h th. + 10h ex. SVETB392 Research Student + (Linked to SVETB314) Vandeweerd Jean-Michel 2 5h th. SVETB393 Pedagogical project 3 5h th. SVETB394 Development project 3 5h th. SVETB345 Participation in the scientific information of practising veterinarians 2 5h th. SSPSB203 Psychologie Ravez Laurent 2 22.5h th.