Claire Diederich

External responsibilities

  • President of the Walloon Animal Welfare Council (since July 2015, regional level after state reform))
  • Vice-President of the Animal Welfare Council (from 2009 to Dec. 2014, federal level before state reform)
  • Member of the Bureau of the Animal Welfare Council (from 2006 to Dec. 2014)
  • Member of the Ethics Committee for the Protection of Experimental Animals (since 1999)
  • Coordinator of numerous working groups of the Conseil du Bien-Etre animal

Reviewer for the IAHAIO 2004. 10th International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions: People and animals: a timeless relationship. Glasgow, Scotland, October 6-9.
Reviewer for the VDWE International Congress on Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Ghent, Belgium, 23-24 September 2006.
Reviewer voor de Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift (2007) and for the Annales de Médecine vétérinaire (2008).
Reviewer for OTKA-EPR, the main organisation in Hungary for channelling funds to scientists in basic sciences and humanities (2008).

  • Member of the scientific committee of the International Colloquium: Entre l'homme et l'animal: une nouvelle alliance? FUNDP, Namur, organised by the Science, Philosophy, Society and Veterinary Departments and the Prince Laurent Foundation, in tribute to Georges Thill. 9/10-05-2001 
  • Member of the scientific committee of the 6th International Working Dog Conference ‘Senses of the dog in service of man’, IWDBA. 12-15 May, Ieper, Belgium.


Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1991), Doctor of Veterinary Science (1999)


  • Wernaers Prize (1999). Promotion of the dissemination of information to students and teachers. Amount: 6,197.34 euros (250,000 Bef).
  • Prize for the best poster entitled: ‘How do dogs avoid the collision with an obstacle? ‘at ‘Collisions’, an international conference on collisions in the universe. FUNDP, Namur, 21-22 November 2001 (C. Diederich: principal author)
  • Prize for the best poster entitled: ‘Man-dogs collisions: the guard dogs in the Belgian Armed Forces’ as part of ‘Collisions’, an international conference on collisions in the universe. FUNDP, Namur, 21-22 November 2001 (C. Diederich: co-author).





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